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He was content to leave the tangle to other hands; he thought of his Alexandra's strong ones. "DOTTER," he called feebly, "DOTTER!" He heard her quick step and saw her tall figure appear in the doorway, with the light of the lamp behind her. He felt her youth and strength, how easily she moved and stooped and lifted. But he would not have had it again if he could, not he!

Try it yourself for half an hour." She drew off the reefer. Bob objected. "I like the red jacky, Dotter Burns," he said. It was his first comment. Hitherto he had been in a dazed state, submitting wonderingly to this strange experience. Another small coat of tan-coloured cloth with a gorgeous red-and-brown emblem on the sleeve consoled him: "I think we are through," said Mrs.

I 'ave de righd to wadge dad man wad mague rimark aboud me dotter." "I never did no such a thing." "You did." "I never did no such a thing." "Bud you 'ave jus hacknowledge' " "I never did no such a thing, I tell ye, and the man that's told ye so is a liur!" "Ah-h-h-h!" said the old man, wagging his finger "Ah-h-h-h! You call Manuel Mazaro one liar?" The Irishman laughed out.

It would never do; and so he called me 'Christina Carlson. There you have the explanation of the whole matter." "I declare," said Frank, "this thing grows worse and worse! Why, there are three of you. I shall have to wed not only 'Christina Jansen, and 'Christina Carlson, but 'Christina Carl's Dotter. Why, that would be not only bigamy, but trigamy!"

Gran'mammy done tol' me, many a time, how she heah me bawlin' an' go an' git me, an' fotch me to mammy's house; but my own mammy, she say, tu'n me down cold. "Dat you, Mammy" she say, sweet as pie, when gran'mammy knock on de do'. "Dont you nevah call me 'Mammy' no mo'," gran'mammy tol' 'er. "Any woman what'd leave a po' li'l mite lak dat to perish to death ain't fitten t' be no dotter o' mine."

I am 'Christina Carl's Dotter, and 'Carl' was the son of 'John, who was the son of 'Frederick, who was the son of 'Christian; and so on for a hundred generations. I have a long pedigree; and I am very proud of it; and, what is more, they were all good, honest, virtuous people." And she heightened up a bit.

But the females of the family, in Sweden, are called 'daughters' or 'dotters; and hence, by the custom of my race, I am 'Christina Carl's Dotter. And when Mr. Bingham asked me my name to print on his play bills, that is what I answered him; but he said 'Christina Carl's Dotter' was no name at all.

"This here is the longest fairy story I ever heard tell of," said Elmer Spiker, "We haven't even had a sign of the prin-cess." "And there is a prin-cess in this here le-gend," returned Josiah. "She was a be-yutiful one, too. Her name was Pinky Binn, a dotter of the house of Binn, the Binns of Turkey Walley.

A moment after, Frowenfeld found himself introduced to "my dotter, Clotilde," who all at once ceased her demonstrations of affection and bowed to him with a majestic sweetness, that seemed one instant grateful and the next, distant. "I can hardly understand that you are not sisters," said Frowenfeld, a little awkwardly. "Ah! ecoutez!" exclaimed the younger.

I know verrie well! You kyah fifty time' as mudge as me! I know you! I know you! I bin wadge you!" Aurora was quite dumb for a moment, and gazed at Clotilde, wondering what could have made her so unlike herself. Then she half rose up, and, as she reached forward an arm, and laid it tenderly about her daughter's neck, said: "Ma lill dotter, wad dad meggin you cry?