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He took pains to speak first, saying, in a re-assuring tone, and in the language he had last heard her use: "'Ow I kin serve you, Madame?" "Iv you pliz, to mague dad bill change, Miché." She pulled from her pocket a wad of dark cotton handkerchief, from which she began to untie the imprisoned note. Madame Delphine had an uncommonly sweet voice, and it seemed so to strike Monsieur Vignevielle.

"Miché, she's a lill' hangel!" exclaimed Madame Delphine, with a look of distress. "Yez; I teg kyah 'v 'er, lag my h-own. I mague you dad promise." "But " There was something still in the way, Madame Delphine seemed to think. The banker waited in silence. "I suppose you will want to see my lill' girl?" He smiled; for she looked at him as if she would implore him to decline.

"Madame Carraze," he said, turning so suddenly as to make the frightened little woman start, but extending his palm with a show of frankness, and assuming a look of benignant patience, "'ow I kin fine doze note now, mongs' all de rez? Iv you pliz nod to mague me doze troub'."

Still he to whom these fearful disclosures were being made remained as silent and motionless as an Indian captive, and, after another pause, with its painful accompaniment of small sounds, the fair speaker resumed with more energy, as befitting the approach to an incredible climax: "Some day', 'Sieur Grandissime, id mague me fo'gid my hage! I thing I'm young!"

"Well, then," Aurora's eyes twinkled like stars, "id muz be bic-ause 'Sieur Frowenfel' bump 'is 'ead ha, ha, ha!" "'Tis nod tru'!" cried Clotilde; but, instead of laughing, as Aurora had supposed she would, she sent a double flash of light from her eyes, crimsoned, and retorted, as the tears again sprang from their lurking-place, "You wand to mague ligue you don't kyah! But I know!

"Have a seat, sir," urged the apothecary. His visitor again declined, with his uniform melancholy grace. He drew close to Frowenfeld. "Ah wand you mague me one ouangan," he said. Joseph shook his head. He remembered Doctor Keene's expressed suspicion concerning the assault of the night before. "I do not understand you, sir; what is that?" "You know."

She seized and kissed it thrice, covering it with tears, at the same time lifting up her eyes to his and murmuring: "De bez man God evva mague!" At the door she turned to offer a more conventional good-by; but he was following her out, bareheaded.

A certain hidden hearer instantly made up her mind to rush out between the two young men and be a heroine. "Non, non!" exclaimed M. D'Hemecourt excitedly. "Nod in de Café des Exilés nod now, Madjor. Go in dad door, hif you pliz, Madjor. You will heer 'im w'at he 'ave to say. Mague you'sev de troub'. Nod dad door diz one."

"'Tis a good idy," responded the banker. "I kin mague you de troub' to kib dad will fo' me, Miché Vignevielle?" "Yez." She looked up with grateful re-assurance; but her eyes dropped again as she said: "Miché Vignevielle " Here she choked, and began her peculiar motion of laying folds in the skirt of her dress, with trembling fingers.

"Oh, I tek you' word fo' hall dad, Madame Carraze. It mague no differend wad she loog lag; I don' wan' see 'er." Madame Delphine's parting smile she went very shortly was gratitude beyond speech. Monsieur Vignevielle returned to the seat he had left, and resumed a newspaper, the Louisiana Gazette in all probability, which he had laid down upon Madame Delphine's entrance.