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I think it maun be that, haein' nae feelin's o' my ain, I hae ower muckle regaird to ither fowk's, an' sae I never likit to pit her awa' wi'oot doonricht provocation. But dinna ye lippen to Jean, Malcolm na, na!

I'll du naething till I'm doonricht sure it's the pairt o' a freen'." "That's just what makes you the only fit person to help me that I know. If I were to employ people in the affair, they might be rough with the poor fellow." "Like eneuch, mem," assented Malcolm, while the words put him afresh on his guard. "But I might be driven to it," she added. Malcolm responded with an unuttered vow.

There's a note or twa in that drawer a' savit, an' if ye kent ony man that wud gie her a bite o' grass and a sta' in his stable till she followed her maister "Confoond ye, Weelum," broke out Drumsheugh; "its doonricht cruel o' ye to speak like this tae me.

Weemin can beat them in mony weys, I admit; but, for doonricht selfishness, come your wa's! There's been great gaitherin's in oor washin'-hoose this while back "Nochties-an'-Broziana," Bandy Wobster ca'd the meetin's to Sandy. The ither Wedensday i' the forenicht the shop was shut i' the efternune, of coorse; I'm a great believer i' the half-holiday, you see. I think it's a capital idea.

An' maybe the fear o' death comes i' the same way: we're feared at it 'cause we're no a'thegither ready for 't; but whan the richt time comes, it'll be as nat'ral as fa'in' asleep whan we're doonricht sleepy. Gin there be a God to ca' oor Father in heaven, I'm no thinkin' that he wad to sae mony bonny tunes pit a scraich for the hinder end.

"Jeems," went on Elspeth with solemnity, "a' coont this a doonricht calamity, for a' wes houpin' he wud hae pleased them the day, an' noo a 'm sair afraid that the minister hes crackit his credit wi' the Lodge." "Div ye think, Elspeth, he saw her gang oot an' suspeckit the cause?" "It's maist michty tae hear ye ask sic a question, Jeems.

He never was a doonricht leear, sae lang's I kenned him ony mair nor yersel! But, for God's sake, Phemy, dinna imagine he'll ever merry ye, for that he wull not. 'This is really insufferable! cried Phemy, in a voice that began to tremble from the approach of angry tears. 'Pray, have you a claim upon him? 'Nane, no a shedow o' ane, returned Kirsty.

An' puttin' this an' that thegither, for I hear a hantle said 'at I say na ower again, it seems to me 'at her first scunner at her puir misformt bairn, wha they say was humpit whan he was born an' maist cost her her life to get lowst o' him her scunner at 'im 's been growin' an' growin' till it's grown to doonricht hate." "It's an awfu' thing 'at ye say, mem, an' I doobt it's ower true.

But I jist want to live lang eneuch to lat the Lord ken 'at I'm in doonricht earnest aboot it. I hae nae chance o' drinkin' as lang's I'm lyin' here. 'Never ye fash yer heid aboot that. He'll see 'at ye're a' richt. Dinna ye think 'at he'll lat ye aff. 'The Lord forbid, responded the soutar earnestly. 'It maun be a' pitten richt. It wad be dreidfu' to be latten aff.

"Noo, since ye press me, a'll juist tell ye the hale truth; it wes doonricht stupid o' me, but, as sure as a'm livin', a' clean forgot tae try him." Then the chastened counsel gathered himself up for his last effort. "Will you answer one question, sir? you are on your oath. Did you see anything unusual in Mr. MacOmish's walk? Did he stagger?"