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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Sure, it's ownly y'r say chris'nin', though it's pricious little av the say there is, be the same token, in this dirthy shoal wather alongside av us now." "But, it is salt for all that," said I, having had an opportunity of tasting it's flavour, my mouth being wide open when I got the ducking. "It is just like brine and even more nasty!"

"Poor people like the Kellys!" shouted the widow, now for the first time really angry with Daly "not so poor, Mr Daly, as to do dirthy work for anyone. I wish I could say as much this day for your mother's son! Poor people, indeed! I suppose, now, you wouldn't call Barry Lynch one of your poor people; but in my mind he's the poorest crature living this day in county Galway.

The Bishop is a great and a good man. He knows what he is about, and neither you nor I may judge him. No! not a word." The housekeeper was crying. "Sure, I'm sorry, yer Reverence. I won't say a word ag'in, even if I do think he treated ye dirthy. But I hope ye won't spake like that to me. Sure I thry to serve ye well and faithfully." "And so you do, Ann; so respect my wish in this.

When Captain Balbo learned that Paul had come down after seashells and curiosities, he was delighted and invited the boy to come aboard. "O'im in the same line meself. But instead of lookin' afther dirthy, bad-smellin' sea shells, it's afther the shells of ould Vessels Oi am." Paul gladly promised to go aboard that afternoon.

"I doubt that, Martin: he's not fond of paying, the mane, dirthy blackguard. I tell you what, you shouldn't iver have let Daly inside the house: he'll make us pay for the writing o' thim as shure as my name's Mary Kelly: av' he hadn't got into the house, he couldn't've done a halfporth." "I tell you, mother, it wouldn't have done not to let him see Anty.

In order to pacify him I said, "we would not laugh at you, Terry, only that dogs are of so many different colors that we are as much in the dark as ever regarding the color of the animal you saw." "Well thin," replied he, "if you must know, he was a dirthy brown, the varmint, that he was."

"Has such been the revenge that he has been harboring up for so many years? And he has followed us these hundreds of miles for the purpose of striking the blow!" "The owld haythen assassinator! The bloodthirsty beast, the sneakin' dog, the dirthy jail-bird, the "

"You dirthy mane ruffian if it was only myself you was wanting to turn out of it but to be robbing the boy there of his property, that has been working his sowl out these six years for that dirthy owld bricklayer! And you want the place all to yourself, do you, Mr. Keegan? Faix, and a fine estated gintleman you'd make, any how!" "Well now; you'll repent the day you made yourself such a fool.

It's only a waste of time botherin' your brains wid the like of them; but, thank goodness! the lard will soon be all done, an' thin we shall hear you spakin' again, instead of sittin' there doubled up all night, desthroying your eyes wid porin' over the dirthy writin'."

Better broom was niver made, an' there niver wus ony other in th' famb'ly till he married that Kitty Connor, the lowest av the low, an' it's meself was all agin her, wid her proide an' her dirthy sthuck-up ways' nothin' but boughten things wuz good enough fur her, her that niver had a dacint male till she thrapped moi Larry.

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