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"Mercy, Jenny! Why, old woman, you don't mean to go with us that figure?" "Och, my dear heart! I've no bandbox to kape the cowld from desthroying my illigant bonnets," returned Jenny, laying her hand upon the side of the sleigh. "Go back, Jenny; go back," cried my brother. "For God's sake take all that tomfoolery from off your head. We shall be the laughing-stock of every village we pass through."

It's only a waste of time botherin' your brains wid the like of them; but, thank goodness! the lard will soon be all done, an' thin we shall hear you spakin' again, instead of sittin' there doubled up all night, desthroying your eyes wid porin' over the dirthy writin'."

It's only a waste of time botherin' your brains wid the like of them; but, thanks goodness! the lard will soon be all done, an' thin we shall hear you spakin' again, instead of sittin' there doubled up all night, desthroying your eyes wid porin' over the dirthy writin'."

"Mercy, Jenny! Why, old woman, you don't mean to go with us that figure?" "Och, my dear heart! I've no band-box to kape the cowld from desthroying my illigant bonnets," returned Jenny, laying her hand upon the side of the sleigh. "Go back, Jenny; go back," cried my brother. "For God's sake take all that tom-foolery from off your head.

No sooner did she hear the sound of the wheels, than out she hobbled, and commenced her usual anathemas. "Bad luck to yer croaking, yer ill-conditioned owld raven. It is not me you are desthroying shure, but yer own poor miserable sinful sowl.