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Anyhow, dere it is. An' I s'pects we'd better git along, Boomerang." The mule never moved, though Eradicate yanked on the reins, and used a splintered whip with energy. "I said as how we'd better git along, Boomerang," went on the darkey, raising his voice, "Dinnah am mos' ready, an' I'm goin' t' giv yo' an extra helpin' ob oats." The effect of these words seemed magical.

"First call to dinnah in the dinah," called a coloured waiter, passing through the car in white jacket and apron. "Now we'll have to stop all our foolishness," said Allison, sedately, as she rose to lead the way to the dining-car. They followed as decorously as grandmothers, each realizing the responsibility that devolved on her, since they were travelling without a chaperon.

I don't know who she is. Is that Dorothy?" "No," said the Lion, his voice sounding hollow. "What is she doing here? Why are your friends here? They should have followed your act and fled." "It iss dinnah time!" shouted one of the Land Sharks. "I believe ve shall bekin vith ze big gray helefantt!" "No!" said Cubby. "Don't let them do it!"

"I said it was a calf right along." "Shoo!" said Buck, advancing on the terrible wild bull, which had so frightened Billy. "Get o't o' dat or Ah cut yo' up fo' de young ge'men's dinnah. Shoo!" The calf let out a tremendous bellow, and scampered off into the woods, whereat the boys laughed harder than ever till the tears fairly ran down their cheeks.

"Why, I'm so hungry I could eat a fence rail." Uncle Billy grinned widely. "Yo'al will git a shore 'nuff dinnah 'fore long," he replied. "Is everything all right?" asked Chester. "Yassah, yassah. Everyt'ing am all right. Yo'al jes' do like I tell you," and the old darky hastened from the cell. The four prisoners fell upon the single loaf of bread and devoured it hungrily.

It happen' dat de ve'y nex' day wuz a cloudy day, en so de cook made okra soup fer Mars Jeems's dinnah, en put de powder Solomon gun her inter de soup, en made de soup rale good, so Mars Jeems eat a whole lot of it en 'peared ter enjoy it.

"Did you see him at that time?" "Did Ah see him at dat time? Le'me see? Why, no, suh, Ah don' think Ah did." "When was the first time you did see him, Jackson?" "Ah guess it was at dinnah time, suh. He was heah den." "You're sure he was here all through dinner?" I asked. "Yes, suh! He must hab been, 'cause he ohdahd dinnah." "What time was he through dinner, do you know?"

I went dar, as she tole me, an' she got up de biggest dinnah, wid more chicken-fixin's an' pie an' cake dan ebber I see; but dat arternoon I was taken down ag'in wid de rheumatiz couldn't do no work for more'n six munfs, an' don't reckon I'll be much use any more, nohow. Vina's tuk car' ob me more'n two year now. She's had a sight ob beaux, but she's allus tole 'em she couldn't leab her ole fader.

In a few minutes a smiling negro in a white jacket and cap came out of the cabin carrying a tray containing cups of beef tea, which he offered to the boys, saying with a grin: "Dis ain't like de beef soup yo' get at de 'cademy, sah, but mebby yo' would like a bite or two dis mon'in' to sha'pen yo' appetite fo' dinnah?"

En I has ter be kinder keerful 'bout cunj'in' w'ite folks; so be sho' en lemme know, w'ateber you do, des w'at is gwine on roun' de plantation. "So Solomon say all right, en tuk de goopher mixtry up ter de big house en gun it ter de cook, en tol' her fer ter put it in Mars Jeems's soup de fus' cloudy day she hab okra soup fer dinnah.