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Ratsch, wheeling round to the left in soldierly fashion, and slapping himself on the thigh, announced to all of us 'gentlemen present, that he invited us, and also the 'reverend clergy, to a 'funeral banquet, which had been arranged at no great distance from the cemetery, in the chief saloon of an extremely superior restaurant, 'thanks to the kind offices of our honoured friend Sigismund Sigismundovitch.... At these words he indicated the assistant of the police superintendent, and added that for all his grief and his Lutheran faith, he, Ivan Demianitch Ratsch, as a genuine Russian, put the old Russian usages before everything.

'Viktor took it from Eleonora Karpovna; he said that it was with your leave, Susanna replied, also in a low voice. 'He said... he said... my leave... growled Ivan Demianitch. 'I'm on the spot myself, I fancy. Might be asked. And who's had that seventeen roubles? 'The upholsterer. 'Oh... the upholsterer. What's that for? 'His bill. 'His bill.

'Eleonora Karpovna, come here! 'But, Ivan Demianitch, I heard her voice, 'ich habe keine Toilette gemacht! 'Macht nichts. Komm herein! Eleonora Karpovna came in, holding a kerchief over her neck with two fingers. She had on a morning wrapper, not buttoned up, and had not yet done her hair. Ivan Demianitch flew up to her.

Can you be so blind as not to have seen long ago the loathing you arouse in me?... You dare use the word offer!... Let me out at once, this instant! I moved towards the door. 'Oh, indeed! oh, oh! so this is what she says! Semyon Matveitch piped shrilly, in a fit of violent fury, but obviously not able to make up his mind to come near me.... 'Wait a bit, Mr. Ratsch, Ivan Demianitch, come here!

But where's the nobly born Viktor? To be sure, he's always gadding about! He'll come across the inspector one of these fine days! He'll give him a talking-to! Das ist ein Bummler, Fiktor! 'Dem Fiktov kann ich nicht kommandiren, Ivan Demianitch. Sie wissen wohl! grumbled Eleonora Karpovna.

The 'veteran's' hair and eyebrows were edged with snow; he kept blowing and uttering exclamations, or manfully drawing deep breaths and puffing out his round, dark-red cheeks.... One really might have thought he was laughing. 'On my death the pension was to pass to Ivan Demianitch'; these words from Susanna's manuscript recurred again to my mind.

'Every one has his own taste, Susanna said in a low voice, and her lips were trembling; 'but your remarks, Ivan Demianitch, you know, cannot hurt me. 'Oh! of course not! Only don't you imagine' Mr.

Carried? cried Ivan Demianitch, seeing Fustov made no objection. 'Kolka, march into the study, and look sharp with the music-stand! Olga, this way with the zither! If you don't care for it, you must amuse yourself with conversation, only mind, not above a whisper! Ha, ha ha! But what ever's become of that silly chap, Viktor? He ought to be here to listen too!

Ivan Demianitch laughed again the same strange guffaw, again dealt himself a sounding smack on the leg, and pulling a check handkerchief out of his pocket, blew his nose noisily, ferociously rolling his eyes, spat into the handkerchief, and ejaculated with the whole force of his lungs: 'Tfoo-o-o! Fustov came into the room, and shaking hands with both of us, asked us if we were acquainted.

'Intercede for me.... I'm not like a stranger any way... I'm accused... well, the fact is, I may be left without bread to eat, and you, too. 'But how can I go to him? How can I disturb him? 'What next! You have a right to disturb him! 'What right, Ivan Demianitch? 'Come, no humbug.... He cannot refuse you, for many reasons. Do you mean to tell me you don't understand that?