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Ratsch, at first in a low voice, and then louder and louder, and, to my surprise, with a perceptible German accent, 'he was always warning me: "Ay, Ivan Demianitch! ay! my dear boy, you must be careful! Your stepdaughter has an organic defect in the heart hypertrophia cordialis! The least thing and there'll be trouble!

You spoil him completely, Eleonora Karpovna. Eleonora Karpovna fired up angrily. 'Aber was kann ich denn, Ivan Demianitch... 'All right, all right, don't squabble! Bleibe ruhig, hast verstanden? Alexander Daviditch! at your service, sir! The children had promptly done as their father had told them. The music-stands were set up, the music began.

'You must for ever be joking, Ivan Demianitch, the latter responded with displeasure, while Fustov, laughing and gracefully swaying to and fro, looked at the husband and wife. 'And why not be joking, mein Mutterchen? retorted Ivan Demianitch. 'Life's given us for use, and still more for beauty, as some celebrated poet has observed. Kolka, wipe your nose, little savage!

'Not a bit of it! Ivan Demianitch boomed at once: 'the veteran of the year twelve has not that honour! Fustov mentioned my name first, then, indicating the 'veteran of the year twelve, he pronounced: 'Ivan Demianitch Ratsch, professor of... various subjects. 'Precisely so, various they are, precisely, Mr. Ratsch chimed in.

He looked insolently into my eyes, and I felt my cheeks simply burning. Hatred, contempt, rose up within me, surged in a rush upon me, drowning me. 'Yes, I understand you, Ivan Demianitch, I answered at last my own voice seemed strange to me 'and I am not going to Ivan Matveitch, and I will not ask him for anything. Bread, or no bread! Mr.

She started instinctively, flushed red, and bit her lower lip. A spot of light, like the gleam of a tear, flashed on her eyelash, and rising quickly, she went out of the room. 'Where are you off to, Susanna Ivanovna? Mr. Ratsch bawled after her. 'Let her be, Ivan Demianitch, 'put in Eleonora Karpovna. 'Wenn sie einmal so et was im Kopfe hat...

He was a stout, squarely-built man with milky-whitish eyes in a dark-red face and a perfect cap of thick, grey, curly hair. This person stopped short, looked at me, opened his mouth wide, and with a metallic chuckle, he gave himself a smart slap on his haunch, kicking his leg up in front as he did so. 'Ivan Demianitch? my friend inquired through the door.

'You hear, Viktor's calling for the horses, he said, hurriedly pointing his finger first to the door, then to the window. 'Please, do see to it, as quick as possible! Der Kerl schreit so! 'Der Viktor schreit immer, Ivan Demianitch, Sie wissen wohl, responded Eleonora Karpovna, 'and I have spoken to the coachman myself, but he's taken it into his head to give the horses oats.

'I think, Ivan Demianitch, you too have sometimes been able to place yourself above what are called prejudices. 'Wie so? How so, I mean? I don't know what you mean. 'You don't know what I mean? Your memory's so bad! Mr. Ratsch seemed utterly taken aback. 'I... I... he repeated, 'I... 'Yes, you, Mr. Ratsch. There followed a brief silence. 'Really, upon my word... Mr.