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He was clever, too, in assuming the character, and walked with stiff, jerky strides, like a mechanical doll that had just been wound up. Kitty was a dream of beauty. She was a little flower girl, of course, and wore the daintiest sort of a Dolly Varden costume. Her overdress of flowered muslin was caught up at the sides in panniers over a quilted skirt of light blue satin.

The bouquet of old vintages, the scent of rare exotics, the curves and tints of the daintiest potteries of Europe, it was to these that the quick-running stream of gold was transformed. And then there came his sudden mad passion for Lady Sannox, when a single interview with two challenging glances and a whispered word set him ablaze. She was the loveliest woman in London and the only one to him.

Was it the candle-light that had proved so becoming? But there was another matter that disturbed him, perhaps, quite as much as this. It was the fact that Dorothy would not eat. Scarcely a mouthful of food passed her lips, although the dishes were of the daintiest, and she barely tasted many which she recommended heartily to him. Was she ill? or was it not the usual hour for her evening meal?

"'Sometimes, when my mother-in-law is in a good temper, she lets us eat out of the same dish, and then he jokingly puts the daintiest bits on my side; often when I wake in the mornings I find pinned to my pillow a few words he has copied from the Song of Songs, put there before leaving for the Synagogue. Then Huldah added 'After returning himself from the Synagogue on Sabbath Eve, my dear husband always looks at me with a loving smile when he reads that part where it says: ''The price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies, the heart of her husband trusteth in her. 'Yes indeed, she said, 'thanks be to God I am a very happy wife, and when God blesses us with children, my cup of joy will be very full.

She wanted him to see also Leonore's bright and cheerful room, which the Baroness had had furnished in the daintiest way, and was unable to suppress her wish. "Please, Baron, take one more small trip with me," she begged. "We can soon come back here." As he raised no objection, they set out. Through the wide-open windows of the room the woods could be seen.

'Twas a girl, glowing pink and red where the cold had kissed her cheeks, with yellow curlicues of hair wandering out under her yarn cap. Her little fox-trimmed parka quit at the knees, showing the daintiest pair of I can't say it. Anyhow, they wasn't, they just looked like 'em, only nicer.

If I say, for instance, that this look, which I remember as Lizzie, was something wistful that seemed partly to come of slyness and in part of simplicity, and that I am inclined to imagine it had something to do with the daintiest suspicion of a cast in one of her large eyes, I shall have said all that I can, and the reader will not be much advanced towards comprehension.

His imperious lucidity is perfectly unhesitating in its action; whether he is using it for the daintiest flower of sentiment fair passions and bountiful pities and loves without stain or for the expression of his fiery passions and hatreds in some flagrant obscenity or venomous insult, it is alike straight and reckless, with no scruple and no mincing of words; in Mr.

Redah: "We women are like silk. And only those Who are true merchants know to handle us." Ahmed el Hilalieu then says: "I've those worth more than thou amid the girls Of Hilal, clad in daintiest of silk Of richest dye, O Redah, O fifth rite." And, turning his horse's head, he goes away.

So they all pulled out the black, sooty potatoes, with more delighted anticipations than would have been roused by the daintiest dish served at a table. "Ow!" cried Marjorie, flinging down her potato, and sticking her finger in her mouth. "Ow! that old thing popped open, and burned me awfully!" "Too bad, Mops!" said King, with genuine sympathy, but the Craig boys were more solicitous. "Oh, oh!