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"'I then took out, begad, a daicent lot of silver say a crown or so for my blood was up and the money was flush and gave it to her for which I got a cronagh-bawn* half-penny in exchange. * So-called from Cronebane, in the county of Wicklow, where there is a copper mine.

"Misther Fenton," said Paudeen, "there's a daicent person in our house that wishes to see you." "Who do you call a decent person, you bog-trotting Ganymede." replied the other. "Why, a daicent tradesman, I think, from thin sorra one of me knows whether I ought to say from Dublin or London." "What trade, Ganymede?"

"Come, childhre, start out now, an' play yourselves; be off, I say, an' don't stand ready to jump down the daicent man's throat wid every bit he aits." She then drove them abroad somewhere, but as the rain fell heavily the poor creatures were again forced to return, and resume their pitiable watch until the two men had finished their scanty repast.

Nae Auld Reekies for him, an' thank ye kindly. When he wants to gang to the gaol he'll steal a horse an' gang daicent! He'll no gang wi' his thoom in his mooth, an' when they say till him, 'What are ye here for? be obleeged to answer, 'Fegs, an' I dinna ken what for! Na, na, it wadna be mensefu' like ava'. A' the Gordons that ever was hae gaen to the gaol but only yince.

Dalton says her own family isn't worse wid the sickness, but betther, she thinks; but she was cryin', the daicent craythur, and she says they'll die wid neglect and starvation, for she must be out, and there's no one to attend to them, and they have nothing but the black wather, God help them!"

Ned, however, was strictly impartial, and declined, with most commendable virtue, to recognize the signal, until he saw whether Mrs. Mulroony did not understand "generosity" as well as Mr. Gray. "Misther Gray, I'll thank you to button your lip, if you plaise. It's all very right, I suppose; but in the manetime let daicent Mrs. Mulroony tell her own story. How is it, ma'am?"

Cassidy," he continued, "here's poor fellow on his keepin' for tithe business and although you don't know me, I know you well enough to be sartin that you'll give this daicent boy a toss in a bed till daybreak an' a mouthful to ate if he should want it."

"I was in the barn 'ithin," replied Mogue, "just offerin' up a little pathernavy for the protection o' this house and place, and of the daicent, kind-hearted peeople that's in it." "An', as a joint prayer, they say, is worth ten single ones, I suppose," returned the pedlar, laying his fingers on his lips and winking "you had ahem you understand?"

I You are bound for Condy Dalton's, then?" she added, inquiringly. "I am," said the other. "I think you must be a stranger in the country, otherwise I'd know your face," continued Nelly "but maybe you're a relation of theirs." "I am a stranger," said the other; "but no relation." "The Daltons," proceeded Nelly, "are daicent people, but hot and hasty, as the savin' is.

Well, there was this procthor I'm tellin' of, his name was Callaghan; he was a dark-haired I'll-lookin' fellow, with a squint and a stutther; but for all that, he had a daicent, quiet, well-behaved family that offended nobody not like our proud horsewhippin' neighbors; an', indeed, his daughters did not mount their side-saddles like some of the same neighbors, but sure we all know the ould proverb, set a beggar on horseback, and we needn't tell you where he'll ride to.