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I found him talking, outside in the yard, with the landlady. As I have observed, I found him talking to the landlady, outside. I put my hand upon his shoulder this way and said, "Tally-ho Thompson, it's no use. I know you. I'm an officer from London, and I take you into custody for felony!" "That be d-d!" says Tally-ho Thompson.

I've done everything; it's the last thing I'm doin'." "It must be d-d expensive. I should want more reason than that." Monsieur Prosper Profond raised his eyebrows, and puffed out a heavy lower lip. "I'm an easy-goin' man," he said. "Were you in the War?" asked Val. "Ye-es. I've done that too. I was gassed; it was a small bit unpleasant."

Mannering, people must have brandy and tea, and there's none in the country but what comes this way and then there's short accounts, and maybe a keg or two, or a dozen pounds left at your stable door, instead of a d-d lang account at Christmas from Duncan Robb, the grocer at Kippletringan, who has aye a sum to make up, and either wants ready money, or a short-dated bill.

"Ay, ay, donner and blitzen! he's your affair," said the Captain. " How do you really know that he is in this country?" "Why, Gabriel saw him up among the hills." "Gabriel! who is he?" A fellow from the gipsies, that, about eighteen years since, was pressed on board that d-d fellow Pritchard's sloop-of-war.

I'd get her off before you could say Jack Robinson, and thank you too, if she had fifty thousand down, or a thousand a year in land. Would you have a man so d-d nice as to balk when house and land is a-going a-going a-going! because of the encumbrance of a little learning? I never heard that Miss Broadhurst was anything of a learned lady.

"Hold your tongue and be d-d, you ," answered her loving husband, with two additional epithets of great energy, but which we beg to be excused from repeating. Then, addressing Bertram: "Come, will you get out, my handy lad, or must we lend you a lift?"

He said he traded for the spotted horse in good faith, and that he was particular to ask me if the horse had any tricks, and I said he had none, and he traded on that understanding, that he rode the afore said horse to the review, and as soon as the aforesaid horse heard the band play, he waltzed out into the middle of the street, whirled around more than fifty times, waltzed into an infantry regiment, breaking the ranks of the soldiers just as the reviewing officer come along, causing the reviewing officer to say, "get out of the ranks, you d-d fool, and take that horse back to the circus," thus causing him, the chaplain, to be scandalized.

'Severity! said the fellow, with a kind of groan, 'I wish you had had my dreams when I first came to this dog-hole, and tried to sleep among the dry seaweed. First, there was that d-d fellow there, with his broken back, sprawling as he did when I hurled the rock over a-top on him, ha, ha! You would have sworn he was lying on the floor where you stand, wriggling like a crushed frog, and then

‘Hushhush!’ cried somebody down-stairs. ‘What a d-d hushing!’ said Alfred Tomkins, who began to get rather bewildered. ‘There they are!’ exclaimed the sapient Wisbottle, as a rustling noise was heard in the store-room. ‘Hark!’ whispered both the young men. ‘Hark!’ repeated Mrs. Tibbs and Evenson. ‘Let me alone, sir,’ said a female voice in the store-room.

To have spoke to the Baron before I had assumed my title would have only provoked a premature and irritating discussion on the subject of the change of name, when, as Earl of Glennaquoich, I had only to propose to him to carry his d-d bear and bootjack PARTY PER PALE, or in a scutcheon of pretence, or in a separate shield perhaps any way that would not blemish my own coat of arms.