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For so young a gentleman it must be confessed you have employed your time well." "Has this anything to do with the question, sir?" says I. "Am I here to give an account of my private debts, or to speak as to what I know regarding the affairs of the Company? As for my share in it, I have a mother, sir, and many sisters " "The d-d scoundrel!" shouts the Captain.

All the time love would be out of the question; neither mother nor daughter would care if you were hanged, or, as Lady Dashfort would herself have expressed it, if you were d-d. 'With such women, I should think a man's heart could be in no great danger, said Lord Colambre.

I've done everything; it's the last thing I'm doin'." "It must be d-d expensive. I should want more reason than that." Monsieur Prosper Profond raised his eyebrows, and puffed out a heavy lower lip. "I'm an easy-goin' man," he said. "Were you in the War?" asked Val. "Ye-es. I've done that too. I was gassed; it was a small bit unpleasant."

"Don't talk d-d nonsense, sir," said the Duke of Wellington to the gushing person who piloted him, in his old age, across Piccadilly. Of Tennyson Mr Palgrave says, "I have known him silenced, almost frozen, before the eager unintentional eyes of a girl of fifteen.

They were loud in their complaints of the ship's fare, though their table was served with fresh pork, hams, tongues, smoked beef, and puddings. "When thwarted in their cravings for delicacies," Said he, "they would exclaim it was d-d hard they could not live as they pleased upon their own property, being on board of their own ship, freighted with their own merchandise.

"HE DOES KNOW ALL!" shouted I, springing forward, and tearing down the tatties from the window. Mrs. Jow. ran shrieking out of the room, Julia fainted, the cursed black children squalled, and their d-d nurse fell on her knees, gabbling some infernal jargon of Hindustanee. Old Jowler at this juncture entered with a candle and a drawn sword.

What in blazes are we comin' to in this country if we can't git competition? If Flint stops that bill, I'll buy a newspaper and go to the people with the issue and throw his d-d monopoly into bankruptcy." "It's all very well to talk about competition and monopolies and lobbies," said young Tom, "but how about the Gaylord Lumber Company?

"I am married myself to a severe step-wife who keeps me, not at bed and board, but at desk and board, and is jealous of my morning aberrations. I cannot slip out to congratulate kinder unions. It is well she leaves me alone o' nights the d-d Day-hag Business. She is even now peeping over me to see I am writing no Love Letters. "Twenty adieus, my dear friends, till we meet. "Yours most truly,

Snow-wasser and hagel! it's perdition I could only keep myself alive by rambling up and down this d-d vault, and thinking about the merry rouses we have had in it." The flame then began to blaze brightly, and Hatteraick hung his bronzed visage, and expanded his hard and sinewy hands over it, with an avidity resembling that of a famished wretch to whom food is exposed.

Farewell, my clerk has been waiting this hour to begin a d-d information. And away walked Mr. Pleydell with great activity, diving through closes and ascending covered stairs in order to attain the High Street by an access which, compared to the common route, was what the Straits of Magellan are to the more open but circuitous passage round Cape Horn.