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She was a low-lifed, flabby creetur," the apple woman made a scornful grimace; "jest a misty-moisty nobody; nothin' to her. Her gown was a cloud and she wa'n't no more 'n a shadder, herself, until she could git somebody to listen to her.

Wegg. Did you love her, Nora?" "Indeed I did, child." "What was she like?" "She were gentle, an' sweet, an' the mos' beautiful creetur in all in in the place where we lived. An' her fambily was that proud an' aristocratic thet no one could tech 'em with a ten-foot pole." "I see. Did she love Captain Wegg?" "Nat'rally, sense she married of him, an' fit all her fambily to do it.

"De creetur des walk roun' en roun' de tree, en ain't make no answer. Den Brer Wolf hail 'im ag'in, en talk like he mighty mad: "'Ain't you gwine ter min' me, you imperdent scoundul? Ain't you gwine ter mozey outer my woods en let my tree 'lone?

Mars Jim was a little s'picious er seein' a po' w'ite man wid sech a fine creetur, but he fin'lly 'greed ter gib de man fifty dollars fer de mule, 'bout ha'f w'at a good mule was wuf dem days. "He tied de mule behin' de buggy w'en he went home, en put 'im ter ploughin' cotton de nex' day.

"I'm glad I show some'n'," he grinned, struggling back into his old sardonic mood. "I 'lowed I'd got too hardened to feer man, God, ha'nt, ur devil. Well, I don't keer overly much about havin' a crazy creetur' so nigh me, an' I ain't a-goin' to, ef I kin see any way out of it. We ain't a thousand miles from the State asylum." Mrs. Slogan moved noiselessly as she unfolded the cloth and spread it.

I got up, and sez I, "Come, Josiah, I guess we had better be a-goin'." I thought it wouldn't do no good to argue any more with her, and Josiah started off after the mair. He had hitched it on the barn floor. She didn't seem willin' to have me go; she seemed to cling to me. She seemed to be a good, affectionate little creetur.

Now come up to your own room, sir, and lay down on your bed a bit; for you're a-shakin' all over, as if your precious jints was hung upon wires. That's a good creetur! Come with Sairey! 'Is she come home? inquired the old man. 'She'll be here directly minit, returned Mrs Gamp. 'Come with Sairey, Mr Chuffey. Come with your own Sairey!

"But it's a mercy there's no one to fret nobbut t' little gell an she's too sma'." There was much talk about the young lady that had come home with her "a nesh pretty-lukin yoong creetur" to whom little Nelly clung strangely no doubt because she and her father had been so few weeks in Froswick that there had been scarcely time for them to make friends of their own.

"'I is done studied 'bout all dem things, sez de cunjuh man, 'en it 'pears ter me de bes' plan fer you ter foller is ter lemme tu'n you ter some creetur w'at kin see in de da'k, en w'at kin run des ez fas' ez a cat, en w'at kin bite, en bite fer ter kill; en den you won't hafter hab no trouble atter de job is done. I dunno whuther you 'd lack dat er no, but dat is de sho'es' way.

When I lookt up an' seen it twuz Sis, I thought in my soul she 'uz the purtiest creetur I ever laid eyes on.