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"Here we are," said Mickey. "here's the spot where I left my cratur a couple of days ago, and where I don't see him just now. Use your eyes a bit, and tell me whether you obsarve him." Fred was scarcely less anxious than his friend to recover the steed, for, recalling his experience in that line, he had good reason to mistrust Indian horses.

He's a queer cratur, my man Sandy! He's made, mind an' body o' him, on an original plan a'thegither. He says an' does a' mortal thing on a system o' his ain; Gairner Winton often says that if Sandy had been in the market-gardenin' line, he wudda grown his cabbage wi' the stocks aneth the ground, juist to lat them get the fresh air aboot their ruits. It's juist his wey, you see.

Na, na, my son! gien I hae ony pooer to read the trowth o' things, the life 'at's gien is no taen; an' whatever come o' the cratur, the love it waukent in a human breist,'ill no more be lost than the objec' o' the same.

Though a bold enough lad as a rule, the thing always scared him; and he used to come and tell me about it, with a face as white as linen 'Mother! he would say, 'I saw the spotted cratur again in the night, and I couldn't get as much as a wink of sleep. He would sometimes throw a boot at it, and always with the same result the boot would go right through it."

"Blackie, you're a dear to be so polite to an old married cratur' like me. Did you notice that is, does Ernst von Gerhard drop in often at Baumbach's?" I have visited Baumbach's. I have heard Milwaukee drinking its afternoon Kaffee.

Clerk. Catty. We'll see we'll see all soon and the truth will come out, and shame the dibbil and the McBrides! Randal. Catty. What? Which? Where? True for ye! I was wondering I did not see the man you bet appear again ye: and this is he, with the head bound up in the garter, coming miserable cratur he looks who would he be? Randal. You'll see all soon, mother. Enter PAT COXE, his head bound up.

But I gaed to see him an' I needna hae been sae feart, for he minded on me, an' he wadna hear o' me bidin' at the taivern, an' he took me to his graun hoose, an' he was ower guid to a plain cratur like me. "Weel, ae mornin', we was sittin', haein' oor crack aboot the auld days, an' the schule, an' the sheep we herded thegither on the Ettrick hills.

Ca' ye leein and hypocrisy a bit faut? I alloo the sin itsel mayna be jist damnable, but to what bouk mayna it come wi ither and waur sins upo the back o' 't? Wi leein, and haudin aff o' himsel, a man may grow a cratur no fit to be taen up wi the taings! Eh me, but my pride i' the laddie! It 'ill be sma' pride for me gien this fearsome thing turn oot to be true!"

Sure I wance wint after the doctor o' a ship, to carry his box for him when he wint on what he called botanical excursions; and the poor cratur used to be pokin' his nose for iver down at the ground, an' peerin' through his green spectacles at miserable bits o' plants, an' niver seemin' to enjoy anything; when all the time I was lookin' far fornint me, an' all around me, an' up at the sky, seem' ivery beautiful thing, and snifterin' up the sweet smells, an' in fact enjoyin' the whole univarse an my pipe to boot like an intelligent cratur."

It was as if the woman's heart in her felt its roots torn from their home in the bosom of God, and quivering in agony, and confronted by the stare of an eternal impossibility, shrieked against Satan. "Gang awa, missie," cried Angus, who had respect to this child, though he had not yet learned to respect childhood; "he's a coorse cratur, an' maun hae's whups."