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Updated: August 11, 2024

It began almost to seem that Courtot was fleeing him, that he had no stomach for a face-to-face meeting; that what he wanted was to step out unexpectedly from a corner, to shoot from the dark. This long-drawn-out, fruitless seeking baffled and angered. It was time, he thought, high time that he and Jim Courtot shot their way out of an unendurable mess.

But the men might have failed to change to fresh horses; in that case his chance was worth something. And, always, until a game be played out, it is anybody's game. As he rode out toward the Last Ridge trail his one thought was of Jim Courtot. Little by little he lost sight of other matters.

'Where's Courtot, Yates? asked Howard coolly. Yates stared and finally shrugged. 'Left town day before yesterday, he replied shortly. 'So he was here? I heard he wanted to see me. Know which way he has gone? Yates studied him keenly. Then again he lifted his ponderous shoulders. 'He was looking for you, he said, his meaning clear in the hardness of his eyes.

'The bet's made, gents, he said briefly. 'Coming in, Longstreet? Longstreet looked confused. Before he could frame his answer, Howard made it for him. And he directed it straight to Courtot. 'I haven't had time to tell Mr. Longstreet about all of the undesirable citizens hereabouts, he announced steadily. 'No, he's not coming in.

But before he had completed the slow process the street door opened. It was Alan Howard. He stood a moment on the threshold, his look one of sheer amazement. He had come looking for Professor James Edward Longstreet, eminent authority upon certain geological subjects. Had anyone told him that he would find his man playing stud poker with Barbee and two Mexicans and Jim Courtot

His face was clean-shaven; maybe he had just now been shaving in the rear room. His age might have lain anywhere between thirty-five and fifty. There are men like Jim Courtot, of dark visages and impenetrable eyes, thin and sallow men, upon whom the passing years appear to work all of their havoc early and then be like vicious stinging things deprived of their stings.

Howard considered the matter briefly; then, watching Jim Courtot while he spoke, he said crisply: 'Mr. Longstreet, you should get acquainted a bit before you play cards out here. Jim Courtot there, who plans to rob you the shortest way, is a crook, a thief, a dirty liar and a treacherous man-killer. He's rotten all the way through. A man does not fire a fuse without expecting the explosion.

He knew that look he would see in Sanchia's eyes when again they met; he prayed that the time might come when he could come close enough to Jim Courtot to read and answer his look. He thought of Kish Taka, and for the first time with anger; Kish Taka should keep his hands off. The Shadow

'Barbee! he cried out angrily, coming on swiftly until he stood over the table. 'What in hell's name do you mean by steering Longstreet into a mess like this? 'What do you mean? retorted Barbee hotly. 'What business is it of yours? 'I mean Jim Courtot, cut in Howard shortly. 'You know better than to drag any friend of mine into a game with him. Courtot appeared calm and unconcerned.

And yet, for all that, his blood grew hot at the thought of all of this riff-raff of Jim Courtot squatting here upon that which by right was Helen's. 'I reckon we'll stay and see it through, said Monte at last. Howard turned and strode away. True laughed. But Howard had seen something showing whitely just yonder in the black void of Dry Gulch. There was the spot where Longstreet's claim lay.

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