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"On a campaign," he said to no one in particular, "a little bit of horse thrust into the cinders on the end of a bayonet but in times of peace..." He broke off and made a gesture towards the saucepans which indicated quite clearly that he was between campaigns inclined to good living. "I am a rude fork," he jerked to Desiree over his shoulder in the dialect of the Cotes du Nord.

She wished, however, that he was less of an enigmatic, though kindly, sphinx. Over their modest supper of sandwiches and Cotes du Rhone wine, in an inside corner of the Cafe des Negociants it was all the cafe could offer, and besides she swore to a plentiful dinner they discussed their respective forlorn positions. Adroitly she tacked away from her own concerns towards his particular dilemma.

It was at this time that Reynolds began to speak of Romney as 'the man in Cavendish Square. He had established himself in the spacious mansion which the death of Cotes, the Royal Academician, had left vacant, and which, it may be noted, after the expiry of Romney's tenancy, was occupied by Sir Martin Archer Shee.

Admiral Cotes, commander-in-chief on the station, despatched Captain Arthur Forrest, of the 60-gun ship Augusta, with the Edinburgh, Captain Langdon, of 60 guns, and the Dreadnought, Captain Maurice Suckling, of 60 guns, to cruise off Cape Francois, where the French were assembling a fleet of merchant-vessels for Europe.

Des les commencemens du V'e siècle, Rutilius Claudius Numatianus en avoit donné une, qui ne nous est parvenue qu'incomplète, parce que apparemment la mort ne lui permit pas de l'achever. L'objet étoit son retour de Rome dans la Gaule, sa patrie. Mais, comme il n'avoit voyagé que par mer, il ne put voir et décrire que des ports et des cotes; et de l

It was tit-for-tat again, and the laugh still with Samuel Pinsent. Through the open window he heard the residue of his pigeons murmuring in their cotes, and the sound wooed him to slumber. So for half an hour he slept, with an easy conscience, a sound digestion, and a yellow bandanna handkerchief over his head to protect him from the flies. A tapping at the door awakened him.

We walked quickly across the sere and sodden grass of the park, and on to the highroad that led over the low hills, I don't know why, in the direction of Cotes Common. Both of us were silent, for both of us had something to say, and did not know how to begin. For my part, I recognised the impossibility of starting the subject: an uncalled-for interference from me would merely indispose Mr.

For in August, 1867, when similar equatorial emanations, accompanied by similar symptoms of polar excitement, were described and depicted by Grosch of the Santiago Observatory, sun-spots were at a minimum; while the corona of 1715, which appears from the record of it by Roger Cotes to have been of the same type, preceded by three years the ensuing maximum.

Those ignorant hobbledehoys actually turned up their noses at the admirable "Cotes du Rhone" wine, and begged for beer. In justice I must add that we were none of us used to truffles or olives, nor to the oil which replaces butter in Provencal cookery. Mlle. Louise, the sister, was pained, but not surprised.

might we but hear The folded flocks penn'd in their watled cotes, Or sound of pastoral reed with oaten stops, Or whistle from the lodge, or village cock Count the night watches to his feathery dames, 'Twould be some solace yet, some little cheering In this close dungeon of innumerous boughs. In the morning, Emily was relieved from her fears for Annette, who came at an early hour.