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Updated: August 8, 2024

Colebrook knew the character of the Indian because he had arrested him once before for cattle-stealing. This time Colebrook was trailing him for killing cattle and for breaking jail, and in company with an interpreter guide caught up to him on the open prairie. The Indian unslung his gun and called to the guide to tell the policeman to halt or he would shoot.

I began to think Colebrook must have been lost or killed so long was he gone and that we must return without him. At last we leaned forward a muffled movement in the grass ahead! A slight wave at the base! Then it divided below, bit by bit, while the tops remained stationary. A weasel-like body slank noiselessly through. Finger on lips once more, Colebrook glided beside us.

Halfway back across the room, clothes in hand, she was brought to a sudden halt by a peremptory: "What in the world is the meaning of this?" It was Mrs. Nettie Colebrook in the doorway. "I'm gettin' Keith's clothes. He's goin' to get up." "But MASTER Keith said he did not wish to get up." "Changed his mind, maybe."

"A fellow got into my room in the night, and picked my pocket. I couldn't help that, now, could I?" "I suppose not." "So I had to get something to do, or go back to Colebrook. I say, Grant " "Well?" "Don't you tell any of the fellers at home what business I'm in, that's a good fellow." "I won't if you don't want me to," said Grant.

"You don't let me forget a minute not a minute. I don't want to get up now, anyhow. What's the use of gettin' up? I can't DO anything!" And he fell back to his old position, with his face to the wall. "There, there, dear, you are ill and overwrought," cried Mrs. Colebrook, hastening to the bedside. "It is just as I said, you are not fit to get up."

Grant was by no means prepossessed in favor of this young man, whose red and mottled face, and bold glance made him look far from respectable. "Do you know those fellows?" asked Harry Becker. "The youngest one is from Colebrook." "He is in bad company. I hope he is not an intimate friend of yours?" "Far from it. Still, I know him, and am sorry to see him with such a companion."

"Thus, brother , I have given you very briefly, the result, in part, of my observations and experience relative to slavery. You can make what disposition of it you please. I am willing that my name should go to the world with what I have now written. "Yours affectionately, for the oppressed, Colebrook, Connecticut, March 18, 1839.

Slowly he repeated, "we are none av us cowards here, but remimber Larry Blake, an' that pore hobo shtiff back in th' shed there. An' remimber thim dogs this mornin'. We du not want tu undherrate um. We du not want tu cop ut like did Wilde, whin he wint tu arrest Charcoal; or Colebrook, whin he tackled Almighty Voice.

She was a very pretty girl, a year or two younger than himself, with a bright, vivacious manner, and her young rescuer thought her very attractive. "Do you live round here?" she asked. "I live in Colebrook, the village close by. I was walking from Somerset." "I should like to know the name of the one who has done me so great a service." "We will exchange names, if you like," said Grant, smiling.

Do I understand that you are going to the city in search of employment?" "That is not my chief errand," answered Grant, with some hesitation. "Still, if I could hear of a good chance, I might induce my parents to let me accept it." "Where do you live, my young friend?" "In Colebrook. My father is the minister there."

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