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An' s'posin' a wake wint by befoor th' boss c'd sind a man down to look up th' team he'd sint f'r a cook, wid orders to hurry back. An' s'posin' he found th' bum-legged driver froze shtiff on th' tote-road phwere he'd made out to hobble a few moiles on his crutch phwat thin? Why, th' man was a greener, an', not knowin' how to handle th' team, they'd got away from um."

In silence they retraced their steps and eventually reached their horses. Here the sergeant issued curt orders to his men. "'Tis onlikely th' shtiff can have got very far away in th' toime Mr. Gully tells us," he said, "an' he cannot shtay out in th' opin for long this weather. Get yu're harses over th' ice, bhoys, an' make th' thrack. Ye'll find an' openin' in th' fence somewheres.

As he spoke, Fallon picked up the axe, and with several well-directed blows shattered the skull of the werwolf against any possibility of a repetition of the Frontenelle incident. "But come, man, get yer rackets an' we'll be hittin' the thrail f'r camp. Sure, Frinchy'll be scairt shtiff av we lave um longer." "Rackets?" asked Bill, with a look of perplexity. "Yer shnow shoes, av coorse."

Exercise yez harse an'" he lit his pipe noisily "learn th' lay av th' thrails." He turned to the senior constable. "If ye can lay hould av th' J.P. there, get this shtiff committed an' let Ridmond take thrain wid um tu th' Post. Yu' return wid th' harses!" "Why can't Redmond nip down there on a way-freight and do the whole thing?" said Yorke, a trifle sulkily.

An exultant oath burst from Slavin. "By G !" he said, with grim conviction, "it's him all right! that pore hobo shtiff Dick Drinkwater. Eyah! fwhat's in a name? Fwhat's in a name?" He pointed to the grinning jaws. "Luk at th' gold teeth av um, tu!" he added. The coroner was examining the almost fleshless skull. He gave a cry of anger and dismay. "Good God!" he gasped.

Across the way there does be a bit of sthrame that's fairly shtiff wid troutses in the saison, and a growth of rooshes under the edge lookin' that smooth and greeny it must be a pleasure intirely to the grand young pig and the goat that spinds their time by the side of it when out of doores, which is seldom.

"Oh, about that inquest, Sergeant," he queried casually, "what was the jury's finding? I was forgetting all about that." "Eyah; on'y fwhat yuh might expect," replied the latter. "Death by shootin', at th' hand av some person unknown. I wired headquarthers right-away." He made a slightly impatient movement. "Well, we must get busy, Mr. Gully; this shtiff connot be far away.

Well, people, we'd betther shove this pore shtiff on the buckboard, an' beat ut." He turned to the doctor's laconic factotum. "Come on, Lanky!" he said briskly. "Let's go hitch up." Presently, when all was ready, Slavin took the lines and the coroner climbed up beside him. The rest of the party followed on foot.

Thin shplit, an' hug th' line west, yu', Yorkey as far as Coalmore yu', Ridmond back tu Cow Run. Yez know fwhat tu du. Pass up nothin' culverts, bridges, section-huts anywhere's th' shtiff may be hidin'. If yez du not dhrop onto um betune thim tu places shtay fwhere yez are an' search all freights. 'Phone th' agent at Davidsburg if yez want tu get me. I'm away from there now to wire east an' west.

"Schmierkase und Sauerkraut, ye big shtiff! Vat wilse du haben, eh? Zwei bier? Damn the weather, as Misther Schultz would say." He laid his finger on his lips, enjoining silence; then with the same finger he pointed sternly onward, and the fireman took the hint. In the clear space aft the house and next to the funnel Mr.