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He was shtiff wid books an' theouries, an' all manner av thrimmin's no manner av use. 'Town did ye say? sez he. 'Accordin' to the theouries av War, we shud wait for reinforcemints. 'Faith! thinks I, 'we'd betther dig our graves thin; for the nearest throops was up to their shtocks in the marshes out Mimbu way. 'But, says the Lift'nint, 'since 'tis a speshil case, I'll make an excepshin.

'tis best so!" he murmured softly, "a showdown wid no ould shtiff av a non-com like meself tu butt in. . . . An', onless I am mistuk that same will come this very morn, from th' luks av things. . . . Sind th' young wan is as handy wid his dhooks as Brankley sez he is! . . . Thin an' on'y thin will there be peace in th' fam'ly."

There's not much doing at the ranch just now, so, if you've no objection, I'll put Silver along with your team and come with you. As you say we've simply got to get this fellow, somehow." "Thank ye, Mr. Gully," responded Slavin gratefully, "betune th' bunch av us we shud nail th' shtiff all right." "Should!" agreed the magistrate, enigmatically, "'stiff's' the word for him."

Slowly he repeated, "we are none av us cowards here, but remimber Larry Blake, an' that pore hobo shtiff back in th' shed there. An' remimber thim dogs this mornin'. We du not want tu undherrate um. We du not want tu cop ut like did Wilde, whin he wint tu arrest Charcoal; or Colebrook, whin he tackled Almighty Voice.

He'll be scairt shtiff an' white as a biled shirt, or he'll melt down an' dhribble out t'rough a crack av th' flure." And so, a half-hour later, Bill Carmody for the second time pushed open Hod Burrage's door and made his way to the stove. The scene in no wise differed from the time of his previous visit.

Look at that steam-gauge freezing right where she stands!" "'Tis so," assented Gallagher. "She'd be dead and shtiff in tin minutes be the clock if we'd lave her be in this drift." Ford motioned the engineer aside and took the throttle himself.

And Slavin, engaged in shredding a pipeful of tobacco had mumbled absently "So? Ujin Airum! I du not mind th' ould shtiff fwhat was his reg'minthal number?" The sergeant finished his evidence; Kilbride swung round to his fellow-justice once more and they held a whispered consultation, the latter making emphatic gestures throughout the colloquy. This ending the inspector turned to the prisoner.

"Well," said Slavin, with an oath, "th' shtiff cannot have got far-away in that toime. I want um as bad as yuh, Mr. Gully. We were on th' way tu yu're place for um. See here; luk!" Gully heard him out and whistled softly at the conclusion of the narrative. "Once collar this man, Sergeant," said he, "and you've practically got your case.