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And the question which had attacked him acutely during the last week in various forms hurt him now like a knife. He watched his father curiously. He did not look as if he cared very greatly. Of course Aunt Clare was perfectly right. He had been selfishly indifferent, had cared nothing for their feelings. Randal had shown plainly enough how impossible he was.

They fight for James of Scotland; you for Henry of England. They parted; De Wilton to Surrey's camp, the Douglas to his castle to ponder on the strange events of the past few days, and Clare to weep in loneliness. It was yet early when Marmion ordered his train to be ready for the southward march. He had safe pass-ports for all, given under the royal seal of James.

"And now," said Ermine, turning to her other visitor, "perhaps I may discover which of us, or of our uncles, preached a sermon." "Mine, I suspect," returned Mr. Keith. "Your sister and I made out at luncheon that you had known my uncle, Mr. Clare, of Bishopsworthy." "Mr. Clare! Oh yes," cried Ermine eagerly, "he took the duty for one of our curates once for a long vacation.

Clare, 'must be terrible; always the same faces, never seeing anything new, knowing that you will never see anything else. Agnes listened to these objections eagerly. 'The nuns are not sad at all, she said. 'If you saw them playing at ball in the garden you would see that they were quite as happy as those who live in the world.

"Clare," I said, gravely, "I want you to explain something to me. You, being a woman, can understand women. Tell me how it is no one likes Coralie. She is beautiful and clever; why is it no one cares for her?" My sister looked at me uneasily. "I cannot tell. I wish you would not ask me, Edgar." "Nay; tell me what you think?" "Then I fancy it must be because she is not quite sincere.

Clare; "but I think I have got a guinea about the house somewhere; and I'll lay you that guinea Frank comes back on our hands like a bad shilling." "Done!" said Mr. Vanstone. "No: stop a minute! I won't do the lad's character the injustice of backing it at even money. I'll lay you five to one Frank turns up trumps in this business! You ought to be ashamed of yourself for talking of him as you do.

"Will you refuse to marry this old man?" "I must do as mama wishes." "Then you're going to marry an old man a man you don't love, and can't love! Oh, good God! do you know what you're doing?" He flung about in a fury. "Do you know what it is? Clare!" he caught her two hands violently, "have you any idea of the horror you're going to commit?"

Some two or three years before Angel's appearance at the Marlott dance, on a day when he had left school and was pursuing his studies at home, a parcel came to the Vicarage from the local bookseller's, directed to the Reverend James Clare.

Well, well, we'll see what can be done.... I'll see if I can take Janet home for a bit, perhaps get her out of the way. She's very useful to me here, though. There are no flies on Jane. She's got the Potter wits all right. But Lady Pinkerton loved better Clare, who was like a flower, Clare, whom she had created, Clare, who might have come if any girl could have come out of a Leila Yorke novel.

The western parts of Cork, Kerry, and Clare were pre-eminently unfortunate.