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Updated: August 12, 2024

There were some schools, so-called, but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond "readin', writin', and cipherin' to the Rule of Three. If a straggler supposed to understand Latin happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizard."

He borrowed where he could, an' one way with another, he accumulated enough capital ter pay that debt on the stipulated date, which was last Monday. Are you listenin', Kiddie? You're gazin' up inter them clouds as if you was composin' a poem to 'em, 'stead of cipherin' out the problem I'm puttin' in front of you." "I assure you I'm all attention, Isa," Kiddie averred.

There were some schools, so called, but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond 'readin', writin' and cipherin'' to the Rule of Three. If a straggler, supposed to understand Latin, happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course when I came of age I did not know much.

I want her t' learn somethin' more scientific. 'Now you're talkin', said Uncle Eb. 'There's lots o' things ye can't learn by cipherin'. Nuthin's too good fer Hope. 'I'd like t' know what you men expect of her anyway, said Elizabeth Brower. 'A high stepper, said Uncle Eb. 'We want a slick coat, a kind uv a toppy head, an a lot O' ginger.

An' the second gal" his voice faltered "she went ter free school, l'arned mo' still o' readin' an' writin' an' cipherin', an' taught school two year down on Bird Creek, an' war goin' ter be married ter a good man, well-ter-do, who had built her a house, not knowin' ez God hed prepared her a mansion in the skies. She is livin' thar now!

"Course, you couldn't be expected to know men and women like us fellers that's batted around among 'em all our lives, and you shut up with a houseful of kids teachin' 'em cipherin' and spellin'. I never did see a schoolteacher in my life, man or woman, that you couldn't take on the blind side and beat out of their teeth, not meanin' any disrespect to you or any of 'em, John." "Oh, sure not.

God knows we need it." The guard went away without answering. "Got him thinkin'," said D'ri, as he lighted the candle. "He can help us some, mebbe. Would n't wonder ef he was good et cipherin'." "If he offered to take the two thousand, I don't see how we'd give it to him," said I. "He would n't take our promise for it." "Thet ain' a-goin' t' bother us any," said D'ri.

Ye can read old Nature's history thet's writ in rocks an' stones, Ye can see her throbbin' vitals an' her mighty rack o' hones. But the soul o' her the livin' God, a little child may know No lens er rule o' cipherin' can ever hope t' show. There's a part o' Cod's creation very handy t' yer view, Al' the truth o' life is in it an' remember, Bill, it's you.

'Leastways, the debt was nine pound, and the rest was lawyers', justices' and sheriffs' fees. I callate they'll find them figgers cut into my heart, when I'm dead." And then he pointed to the sums in charcoal, covering the walls of the cell. "I callated the interest down to how much a minute. I allers liked cipherin, ye know, Perez, and I have a great deal of time here.

Mortally wounded by Tybalt, Mercutio says, "No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve: ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o' both your houses! "I never heard," mentioned Broncho, "about any of Dibble's ways of mixin' scrappin' and cipherin'."

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