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"It's Jim w'at says there ain't no Sante Claus, and I seen him " "Jim!" demanded the elder ragamuffin, sternly, looking hard at the culprit; "Jim! yere a chump! No Sante Claus? What're ye givin' us? Now, watch me!" With utter amazement the boys saw him disappear through the door under the tinkling bell into the charmed precincts of smoked herring, jam, and honey-cakes.

She's got two. When yuh go over, you ask her to let yuh see 'em." Andy was in bed, then, and he spoke through the dusk toward the voices. What those voices had just then been saying seemed to have absolutely no effect upon him. "Oh, dry up!" Irish commanded impatiently. "Nobody's thinking uh riding over there, yuh chump. What kind of easy marks do yuh think we are?"

Chump that he had hired a yacht for the season, and added, after enlarging on the merits of the vessel, "I am under your orders," his sisters were as creatures cut in twain one half abominating his conduct, the other approving his style. The bow, the smile, were perfect. The ladies had to make an effort to recover their condemnatory judgement. "Oh!" cried Mrs.

Anyhow, I'd better be getting out of this before he comes back. I've really got no business in here at all." At this juncture he heard voices coming from the river. They were punctuated by the dip of oars. As he heard the speakers outside, Dick's mind suddenly realized who "W. M." was. "What a chump I was not to think of it before!" he exclaimed.

Games of this sweet sort are warranted to carry little people as far as they may go swifter than any other invention of lively Satan. The yachting party, including Mrs. Chump, were at the breakfast-table, and that dumb guest had done all the blushing for Lady Charlotte, when Wilfrid entered, neat, carefully brushed, and with ready answers, though his face could put on no fresh colours. To Mrs.

'Oh, dear, no! and ye're mistaken, and we're thinkin' o' the coal-scuttle in the back parlour, or somethin' about souls, if not coals. There's their answer. What did ye do with Mr. Paricles on board the yacht? Aha!" "What's this about Pericles?" said Mr. Pole. "Oh, nothing, Papa," returned Adela. "Nothing, do ye call ut!" said Mrs. Chump. "And, mayhap, good cause too.

Seeing that each looked as implacable as the other, Mrs. Chump called plaintively, "Arr'bella!" The lady spoke: "We are willing to be your friends, Mrs. Chump, and we request that you will consider us in that light. We simply do not consent to give you a name...." "But, we'll do without the name, my dear," interposed Mrs. Chump.

"But, they aren't 'my, she remonstrated, "when I've nothin' to do with 'm. And a 'my' has a 'dear' to 't always. Ye're not awake, Mr. Braintop; try again." "Shall I begin formally, "Mrs. Chump presents her compliments, ma'am?" said Braintop stiffly. "And I stick myself up on a post, and talk like a parrot, sir! Don't you see, I'm familiar, and I'm woundud? Go along; try again."

They encouraged one another with exclamations on the oddness of a visit from their mother's brother, at such a time of tribulation, indecision, and general darkness. Mrs. Chump remained on the field. When Adela begged her papa to tell her how long the lady was to stay, he replied: "Eh?

Chump, they kept in the background. It was enough for them that she was to be a visitor, and would thus destroy the great circle they had projected. To accept her in the circle, they felt, was out of the question. Wilfrid's plain-speaking broke up the air-bubble, which they had so carefully blown, and in which they had embarked all their young hopes.