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How splendid the sheer bold uplift of gigantic steps! Carley found herself marveling at the forces that had so rudely, violently, and grandly left this monument to nature. "Well, old Fifth Avenue gadder!" called a gay voice. "If the back wall of my yard so halts you what will you ever do when you see the Painted Desert, or climb Sunset Peak, or look down into the Grand Canyon?"

But as Spillbeans, had taken to lagging at a walk, Carley was enabled to conceal all outward sign of her woes. It rained, hailed, sleeted, snowed, and grew colder all the time. Carley's feet became lumps of ice. Every step the mustang took sent acute pains ramifying from bruised and raw places all over her body.

And Glenn said, "I saw his fresh track by the lake. Some bear!" The heat from the fire made Carley so drowsy that she could scarcely hold up her head. She longed for bed even if it was out there in the open. Presently Flo called her: "Come. Let's walk a little before turning in." So Carley permitted herself to be led to and fro down an open aisle between some cedars.

A woman will be shocking in her obsession to attract, but hardly more than that, if she knows it." "Ah! So few women realize how they actually do look. Haze Ruff could tell them." "Haze Ruff. Who in the world is he or she?" asked Eleanor. "Haze Ruff is a he, all right," replied Carley, grimly. "Well, who is he?" "A sheep-dipper in Arizona," answered Carley, dreamily. "Humph! And what can Mr.

"She means your dress is lovely. Which is my say, too.... But, listen. I just saw Glenn comin' up the road." Carley ran to the open door with more haste than dignity. She saw a tall man striding along. Something about him appeared familiar. It was his walk an erect swift carriage, with a swing of the march still visible. She recognized Glenn. And all within her seemed to become unstable.

There was a question she wanted to ask, but found it strangely difficult of utterance. At the door Burton fixed a rather penetrating gaze upon her. "You didn't ask me about Rust," he said. "No, I I didn't think of him until now, in fact," Carley lied. "Of course then you couldn't have heard about him. I was wondering." "I have heard nothing." "It was Rust who told me to come to you," said Burton.

Sometimes they pull your pillow out from under your head," replied Flo, laconically. Carley did not ask any more questions. Natural history was not her favorite study and she was sure she could dispense with any first-hand knowledge of desert beasts. She thought, however, she heard one of the men say, "Big varmint prowlin' round the sheep." To which Hutter replied, "Reckon it was a bear."

Then it was time to sally forth to meet Glenn. "It's pretty sharp this mawnin'," said Flo. "You'll need gloves and sweater." Having fortified herself with these, Carley asked how to find West Fork Canyon. "It's down the road a little way," replied Flo. "A great narrow canyon opening on the right side. You can't miss it." Flo accompanied her as far as the porch steps.

The instant the words were spent upon her lips she realized that he had always been waiting and prepared for this question that had been so terrible for her to ask. "Carley," he replied gently, though his voice rang, "I am never going back East." An inward quivering hindered her articulation. "Never?" she whispered. "Never to live, or stay any while," he went on.

But I should not forget to tell you that before I do go in, very often my looming, wonderful walls and crags weave in strange shadowy characters the beautiful and unforgettable face of Carley Burch! I append what little news Oak Creek affords. That blamed old bald eagle stole another of my pigs.