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Updated: August 20, 2024

Howiver, he com back to his cardin', an' when t' clock strack twelve, t' bag o' wool were empty, an' there were a gert hank o' spun yarn as big as a man's heead. Throp looked at his wife, an' there were a glint in her een that he'd niver seen theer afore; shoo were fair ditherin' wi' pride an' flustration.

That man has a most a special fine interval, and a grand orchard too; he must be a good mark, that. 'Well he was once, sir, a few years ago; but he built a fullin' mill, and a cardin' mill, and put up a lumber establishment, and speculated in the West Indy line; but the dam was carried away by the freshets, the lumber fell, and faith he fell too; he's shot up, he hain't been seed these two years, his farm is a common, and fairly run out. 'Oh, said I, 'I understand now, my man; these folks had too many irons in the fire you see, and some on 'em have got burnt. 'I never heerd tell of it, says Bluenose; 'they might, but not to my knowledge; and he scratched his head, and looked as if he would ask the meanin' of it, but didn't like too.

I tell ell you, Bil lilly Bradly, that you'll never die on your bed for that night's wo ork." "And even if I don't, Ned, you won't have my account to answer for." "An' mighty glad I am of it: my own own's bad enough, God knows, an' for the mat matther o' that here's God pardon us all, barrin' that ould cardin' sinner amin, acheerna villish, this night! Boys, I'll sing-yes a song."

And Raikes appointed an Executive Committee; and Baines, the Inspector-General of Mails, made he Chairman. He called also Cardin, the Receiver and Accountant-General; Preece, Lord of Lightning; Thompson, the Secretarial Officer; and Tombs; the Controller.

It's like a heap o' woo' just after shearin' time; it's worth a deal, but it tak's a vast o' combin', an' cardin', an' spinnin' afore it can be made use on. Having ended his oration, much to his own satisfaction, Kester tossed off his glass of wine, smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, pocketed his cake, and made off. That night Sylvia spoke of his visit to her husband.

"Now, Misther Whelan, acushla," asked! one, in a jeering tone, "would you be jist pleased to make yer choice between two purty little invintions of ours cardin an ear-ticklin'." The poor man trembled violently, and his livid lips opened but he could not utter a word. "What an obstinate, silent ould baste you are," said the same man, "not to give a civil answer to my question.

"Well, sure enough, the most of us was wid the last speaker, so, instead of cardin' the sick procthor before his own family, we tied and gagged him so as that he neither spoke nor budged, and afther clappin' a guard upon the family for an hour or two, we put him on horseback and brought him up to where the grave was made.

"I think, boys," said a person, whose voice was evidently that of a man advanced in years, "I think you ought to give this procthor Purcel a cardin'. He lifts the tithes of four parishes, and so far he's a scourge over four parishes; himself and his blasted citations to the bishop's court and his blasted decrees hell purshue him, as it will. Ah, the Carders wor fine fellows, so were the Sextons."

It's like a heap o' woo' just after shearin' time; it's worth a deal, but it tak's a vast o' combin', an' cardin', an' spinnin' afore it can be made use on. Having ended his oration, much to his own satisfaction, Kester tossed off his glass of wine, smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, pocketed his cake, and made off. That night Sylvia spoke of his visit to her husband.

"Susan," she said to the spinner, who came forward with a modest courtesy and a shy "Good evenin'," "set a cheer an' tek the gentleman's hat. Rache" to the negro "put by yer cardin' an' tek thet spinnin'-wheel out to the loom-room. Tommy an' Buddy, stop litt'rin' up the h'arth, an' run wash yer faces. Heah, tek this skillet with you, an' then see ef you kin find yer pap.

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