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Updated: August 9, 2024

"I love no human creature better than you. Whatna for should I not love you? You are the only thing left to me o' the bonnie brave brother who wrapped his colors round him in the Afghan Pass, the brave-hearted lad who died fighting twenty to one. And you are whiles sae like him that I'm tempted na, na, that is a' byganes. I will not let you hae the £2,000, that is the business in hand."

No Lorimer that ever galloped through Eskdale had the national peculiarities more distinctively. He was the tall, fair Scot, and his father complacently compared his yellow hair and blue eyes with the "dark, deil-like beauty" of Whaley. "Davie," and he held out his hand frankly, "I hae come to tak ye back to your ain hame. Let byganes be byganes, and we'll start a new chapter o' life, my lad.

"Ou, ay, ay, ay but a's forgotten now," replied Madge, in the confidential tone of a gossip giving the history of her next-door neighbour "Ye see, I spoke to them mysell, and tauld them byganes suld be byganes her throat's sair misguggled and mashackered though; she wears her corpse-sheet drawn weel up to hide it, but that canna hinder the bluid seiping through, ye ken.

I therefore thought that we might, in old Scottish phrase, "let byganes be byganes," and begin upon a new account. Yet I resolved, like a skilful general, to reconnoitre a little before laying down any precise scheme of proceeding, and in the interim I determined to preserve my incognito. Alas, how changed from what it once had been! 'Twas now degraded to a common inn.

It is not in my nature, and it is hardly worth my while." "Well, then, disperse your men, and remain quiet, and this will be overlooked, as there has been no overt act." "Hout, ay," said Elliot, "just let byganes be byganes, and a' friends again; deil ane I bear malice at but Westburnflat, and I hae gien him baith a het skin and a cauld ane.

"Ou, ay, ay, ay but a's forgotten now," replied Madge, in the confidential tone of a gossip giving the history of her next-door neighbour "Ye see, I spoke to them mysell, and tauld them byganes suld be byganes her throat's sair misguggled and mashackered though; she wears her corpse-sheet drawn weel up to hide it, but that canna hinder the bluid seiping through, ye ken.

Three months o' tongue haudin', an' there 's yer five poun'; an' Maister Soutar o' Duff Harbour 'ill pay 't intill yer ain han'. But brak troth wi' me, an' ye s' hear o' 't; for gien ye war hangt, the warl' wad be but the cleaner. Noo quit the hoose, an' never lat me see ye aboot the place again. But afore ye gang, I gie ye fair warnin' 'at I mean to win at a' yer byganes."

Three months o' tongue-haudin', an' there's yer five poun'; an' Maister Soutar o' Duff Harbor 'ill pay 't intill yer ain han'. But brack troth wi' me, an' ye s' hear o' 't; for gien ye war hangt the warl' wad be a' the cleaner. Noo quit the hoose, an' never lat me see ye aboot the place again. But afore ye gang I gie ye fair warnin' 'at I mean to win at a' yer byganes."

"Come hame, Nelly," he prayed passionately; "byganes may be byganes now. I've deserted the campaign, I've left its honours and its dangers and I could have liked them well to free men, and am here to take you hame." Nelly was thunderstruck.

What's the use o' byganes but to learn frae them hoo to meet the bycomes? Ye'll please to hear me oot; and gin Alec doesna like to hear me, he maun jist sit and hear me." "Fire away, Mr Cupples," said Alec. "I will.�-For them that didna pass i' the en' o' the last session, there's an examination i' the beginnin' o' the neist�-gin they like to stan' 't.

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