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A handcar breezed past the station, the four section-men pumping like demons because of the slight down grade and their haste for their dinner. Huckleberry gave one snort and one tug backward upon the tie rope and then a coltish kick into the air when he discovered that he was free.

The Attache promised that he would and returned to his post in Paris. He studied the hardware situation and found a tremendous need for our goods. He was about to make a report to the hardware manufacturer when an alert upstanding young American breezed into his office and said: "I have been looking into the hardware situation here and I find that there is a big chance for us.

Honest, I thought they was goin' to mix it yesterday. I breezed up wit' a bottle an' they kinda cooled off." "Doble drunk?" "Nope. Fact is, they'd trimmed a Greeley boob and was rowin' about the split. Miller he claimed Doble held out on him. I'll bet he did too." Dave did not care how much they quarreled or how soon they parted after he had got back his horse.

She put a paperback copy of Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch in her bag and rode out past AhnRee's. He was drinking something by the pool, accompanied by a placid looking blonde in her forties. Willow waved and then bumped down to the blacktop road where she picked up speed and breezed downhill into town, her hair fluttering nicely behind her.

Then Grace's loyalty compelled her attention to her friend. Mr. Hooper breezed in from time to time, but never to take a hand; to do so would have seemed quite out of place, though the old gentleman laughingly made an excuse for this: "Lads, I ain't no tinker man; never was. Drivin' a pesky nail's a huckleberry above my persimmon. Cattle is all I know, an' I kin still learn about them, I reckon.

He had gone there half an hour ago with a party of young people to kill loneliness and forget a bad hour of despair. His friend, Howard Oldershaw, who had breezed him out of the reading room of the Yale Club, was one of the party. He was in the first flush of speed-breaking and knew the town and its midnight haunts. He had offered to show Martin the way to get rid of depression. Right!

"Suppose," said the groom, contemptuously shaking him off; "why, then you and I should get our throats cut." At this moment the noise of the distant fight breezed up louder than ever. "They're beat back," said Burnside. "I shall be off to Toonarbin, and give them warning. I advise you to save yourself." "I was set to mind these here things," said Benjy, "and I'm a-going to mind 'em.

A cool breezed fanned his face, and he knew that he was approaching the Thames. Ten more paces and he came to the bank. In his weak condition the short run had exhausted him. His bruised throat was throbbing painfully, and he experienced some difficulty in breathing. He leaned up against the moss-grown wall, looking back into the darkness of the lane. No one was in sight.

We accordingly jogged along under plain sail until daylight, when we got the studding-sails once more upon the little hooker and tried her paces. She proved to be astonishingly fast in light, and even moderate, weather, and I felt convinced that had the wind not breezed up so strongly as it did on the previous day, the Shark would never have overtaken her.

"Ha that's the question! Over on Greylock the farmers' sons call him Shooting Star', alias 'Starry'," with a boyish laugh, "because when they were awf'ly hard up for a player in the last ball game of the series against Willard College, having lost their second baseman and substitute too, by gracious! he breezed along, an' the captain, hearing he had played on a college team, roped him in ... an' an', what do you know, but he won the game for that mountain team with a home run!