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That sort of thing is not courage: it is rashness, which is just another name for foolishness. Shakespeare once said: "I dare do all that may become a man, Who dares do more is none." The really brave boy is not the one that blusters and brags: the brave boy is usually quiet, but, as we say, "all there" when the pinch really comes.

If the's a thing on earth I enjoy doin' it's sure cookin'. Do you like yore aigs sunny side up or turned?" "Either way. Whichever you like, Mr. Green." "You're eatin' them," Johnnie reminded her with a grin. "On one side, then, please. Mr. Lindsay says you're a fine cook." "Sho! I'm no great shakes. Clay he jes' brags on me." "Lemme eat here in the kitchen.

"When you have done that," said she "come and talk to Teresa, my friend I spoke to thee of, that hath a husband not good for much, which brags his acquaintance with the great." Gerard went down, and who should Teresa be but the Roman matron. "Ah, madama," said he, "is it you? The good dame told me not that.

I believe he would gladly have consented to be eaten by a tiger or a crocodile, if by that means the occasional presence within the parish limits of either of these anthropophagous brutes could have been established. He brags of no fine society, but is plainly a little elated by "having considerable acquaintance with a tame brown owl."

"What sort of a fellow is he, Johnny?" asked Frank. "I don't admire him," replied Johnny, who, like Archie, never hesitated to speak his mind very freely. "From what I have seen of him, I should say that he is not a boy who is calculated to make friends. He talks and brags too much. He tries to use big words in conversation, and criticises every one around him most unmercifully.

Sic volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas. Rather we will become their judge and master. We, too, are going to be proud and brag with these blockheads; and just as St. Paul brags against his madly raving saints, I will brag over these asses of mine! They are doctors? Me too. They are scholars? I am as well. They are philosophers? And I. They are dialecticians? I am too. They are lecturers?

When she's here I'm obliged to sleep in the scullery. She's never paid her daughter's income since the first year, though she brags about her sacrifices as if she had ruined herself for Jemima; and besides, when she's here, there's a whole clan of the Molloys, horse, foot, and dragoons, that are quartered upon us, and eat me out of house and home."

If he's a-huntin' you bad, as he brags, he'll show there." Duane crossed the street and started down. Notwithstanding White's statement Duane was wary and slow at every door. Nothing happened, and he traversed almost the whole length of the block without seeing a person. Everall's place was on the corner. Duane knew himself to be cold, steady.

They could not sleep, and fell to making brags instead, and laying of wagers, as is the way of the knights of France, each striving to outdo the other in warranting himself to do some doughty deed for to manifest his prowess. The Emperor opened the game. He said: "Let them fetch me, a-horseback and fully armed, the best knight King Hugo hath.

The tumblerfuls were generous ones and the raspberry cordial was certainly very nice. "The nicest I ever drank," said Diana. "It's ever so much nicer than Mrs. Lynde's, although she brags of hers so much. It doesn't taste a bit like hers." "I should think Marilla's raspberry cordial would prob'ly be much nicer than Mrs. Lynde's," said Anne loyally. "Marilla is a famous cook.