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"Jack Ch ch ll, Jack Ch ch ll, The town sure you search ill, Your mob has disgraced all your brags; When next you draw out Your hospital rout, Do, prithee, afford them clean rags, Jack Ch ch ll, Do, prithee, afford them clean rags."

He started off, not improbably using the rough brags afterwards attributed to him as most grievous sins, such as that "he would bring back Napoleon in an iron cage." It had been intended to have sent the Due de Berry, the second son of the Comte d'Artois, with Ney; and it was most unfortunate for the Marshal that this was not done.

General Jackson's friends also had printed and circulated large editions of campaign songs, the favorite being "The Hunters of Kentucky," which commenced: "You've heard, I s'pose of New Orleans, 'Tis famed for youth and beauty, There're girls of every hue, it seems, From snowy white to sooty, Now Packenham had made his brags, If he that day was lucky, He'd have those girls and cotton-bags In spite of old Kentucky.

See this fellow in his frieze gown, dead to the world as he brags; and know how he skulked and hid in his disguises till her Majesty's servants plucked him forth! We will disguise him, we will disguise him, ere we have done with him, that his own mother should not know him. Ha, now! Campion, do you hear me?"

You must have noticed how eagerly I was looking out for you." "Yes, and with a single red anemone in your hand, so that I should know you without being obliged to put on my spectacles." "You divine everything, Mrs. Amsden," he said, giving her the flower. "I shall make my brags to Mrs. Bowen when I see her," said the old lady. "How far into the country did you walk for this?"

When Frank brags, I say sharp things, and he never forgets. He goes over and over it in his mind; I can feel him. Then I'm too giddy. Frank's wife ought to be timid, and she ought not to care about another living thing in the world but just Frank! I didn't, when I married him, but I suppose I was too young to stay like that." Marie sighed.

It is a newcomer in the literary world; and it has the self-assertiveness and the touchiness natural to the situation. It brags of its descent, although its origins are obscure. It has won its way to the front and it has forced its admission into circles where it was formerly denied access.

The sick person and the corpse have a certain state and dignity which they have never attained before. Why, bless you, man, I have one patient, a middle-aged woman, who has been laid up for years with rheumatism, and she is fairly vainglorious, and so is her mother. She brags of her invalid daughter.

Everybody smokes and brags, and cheats in trade, not to mention a host of other abominations that can give only this excuse for their being: they are common to a few millions of people who have not learned to declare a reason for the faith that is in them or the works that grow out of them.

Lukashka started a song about the Cossack, Mingal, but stopped before he had finished the first verse, and after a pause, turning to Nazarka, said: 'I say, she wouldn't let me in! 'Oh? rejoined Nazarka. 'I knew she wouldn't. D'you know what Yamka told me? The cadet has begun going to their house. Daddy Eroshka brags that he got a gun from the cadet for getting him Maryanka.