Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 5, 2024

The boat was run by a cable stretched taut up stream fifteen or twenty feet from the boat. A line from the bow and stern of the boat connected it with a single block which ran on the cable. When ready to start, the bow-line was hauled taut, the stern line slacked off to the proper angle, when, the current passing against the side of the boat, it was propelled across very rapidly.

We can go up the Danube to Vienna, up the Thames to London, and we can go up the Seine to Paris and moor opposite the Latin Quarter with a bow-line out to Notre Dame and a stern-line fast to the Morgue.

Use the figure-eight knot to make a knot on the end of a rope or to prevent the end of the strands from untwisting. This knot is not difficult to untie. 47 Loop. 48 Round turn. =Bow-Line Knot= To form a loop that will not slip and yet may be easily untied use the bow-line knot. When the loop is not fastened to anything use the overhand method of tying it.

Sundry smaller sails, which could do but little good, but which answered the purpose of appearing to wish to quicken his speed, were instantly set aboard the stranger; and not a brace, or a bow-line, was suffered to escape without an additional pull.

This steadied the boat a little, and, watching their opportunity, they succeeded in lowering three women and a child into it by means of a bow-line. In this way, one by one, the females and children were placed in the boat until it was full. Then there was a cry to shove off, and a rush was made by the more timid and ignorant among the passengers, who thought they were about to be forsaken.

Fine brig, this, 'leven knots on a bow-line, I'll bet, fine state-room, good grub, nothin' to do but save souls and preach the Word on Sunday. Guess I'll strike the fat duffer for the job in the morn " The rest of the sentence merged into a snore, and Mr. Todd slept through the night in the fumes of tobacco, which so permeated his very being that Captain Bunce remarked it at breakfast.

The frigate was on an easy bow-line, or, to speak more correctly, was standing directly across our fore-foot, with her yards nearly square. In a very few minutes, each keeping her present course, the two ships would have passed within pistol-shot of each other. I scarce knew the nature of the sudden impulse which induced me to call out to the man at the wheel to starboard his helm.

It is a quick boat that, or would never hold such way with the 'Royal Caroline, and that too upon a stiffened bow-line, which every body knows is the real play of this ship." "Go, get you to your hammock. In the morning we may have a better look at the fellow."

We had only conjecture to guide us as to the ship's course, with the exception of the main fact of her having sailed for the west coast of South America; but we had not failed to notice that she disappeared in the north-east trades on a bow-line. We put the schooner as near as possible on the same course, making a proper allowance for the difference in the rig of the two vessels.

The camper at the head of the line should tie the rope in a bow-line around her waist, with knot on left side, and eight or ten feet from her the next girl should link herself to the rope in the same manner; then another girl, and another, until the entire party is on the rope.

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