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Updated: August 1, 2024

But I drawed him away and headed him up before some lovely dresses the handsomest you ever see in your life all trimmed with gold and pearl trimmin'. The price of that outfit wuz only twenty thousand dollars. And when I mentioned how becomin' such a dress would become me, I see by his words and mean that he had forgot the fountain.

"For a minute or two the moray was quiet, and then 'e turned round. But in turnin' 'e got imself twisted, the line which was still fast to 'is lower jaw becomin' entangled around one of the rowlocks. But this gave 'im 'is chance: with a sudden pull, 'e broke the line and was free. Then, so Israel says, the fish just looked at 'im, and began to slide along the boat.

Ourn 'ud niver ha' bent himself to put up wi' it, that he niver would, and Lord Barfield knows it; for though he was no better nor a market-gardener, he was one o' them as knowed what was becomin' between man and man, be he niver so lowly, and his lordship the lord o' the manor for miles around." "Tut, tut, my good woman," returned his lordship. "Pooh, pooh! Do for firewood.

Willie likes red, an' there's a scrap of silk in the trunk under the eaves that could be stretched into a facin' with some piecin'." "I'm afraid you wouldn't like red, Aunt Tiny," the girl replied gently. "Mebbe I wouldn't," was the prompt answer. "Well, do it as you think best. You never put me into anything yet that warn't becomin', an' I reckon I can risk leavin' it to you."

Jest when I begin to put on flesh they take after me an' I run it all off. You wouldn't think it, but Injuns has their uses, arter all." "Keep people from comin' out here too fast," said Ross. "Think they wuz put in the wilderness to save it, an' they will, long after my time." "Why, Tom," said the shiftless one, "you're becomin' real talkative.

Walked over to St Martin's this mornin' an' joined up. A kind lady over there was so took with his appearance that she had to improve it or die on the spot, out of her own pocket. He's walked back with his own trousers in a parcel, lookin' well, like what you see. I think it becomin', on the whole.

An' it seemed like I hed sort o' scrabbled her up an' held her over a precipice, an' said to her: 'See the dead. Look at yourself. Come forth come forth! Clean up do somethin' to help, anything, if it's only tackin' on evergreens an' doin' the Dead's hair up becomin' oh, I s'pose, rilly, I was sayin' to her: 'Put on thy beautiful garments. Awake.

He did not fall into any depths of self-blame, for, whatever its kind, his love was of quality pure and good. The only bitterness his offer bore was its justification of Agnes's departure. But Grizzie saw no justification of it anywhere. "What I'm to du wantin' her, I div not ken. NO BECOMIN', quo' he, FOR A LASS LIKE HER TO BIDE WI' A BACHELOR LIKE HIMSEL'! "H'ard ever onybody sic styte!

You see," she added, "I I well, I have something to tell you, and and I can tell it better in the dark, I think." Jed looked at her in surprise. He could not see her face plainly, but she seemed oddly confused and embarrassed. "Sho!" he drawled. "Well, I'm sure I ain't anxious about the light, myself. You know, I've always had a feelin' that the dark was more becomin' to my style of beauty.

"Now," sez I, "you jest do them shoes right up and carry 'em back to the store, and if you have got to have a new pair, git some that will be more becomin' to a human creeter, let alone a class-leader, and a perfessor, and a grandfather." So at last I prevailed he a-forebodin' to the very last that it would make talk to see him in such shoes.

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