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"Wait till he gets sober," was the bos'n's grunted reply as the men hastily transferred the last of the precious freight of tusks to the Brigand's deck. Barr jumped to the accommodation ladder and was aboard in a second, despite his apparent feebleness. His face was distorted with rage and cupidity. "We have got to get out of here at once now do you understand?" he roared, crazed with rage.

But Eben Joyce and his daughter had both left and he had no more of an ordeal to undergo than Frank's searching glance. Knowing as he did what he had been talking to old Luther Barr about, Sanborn's eyes dropped as he met Frank's gaze. "I I have been to the village for a little tobacco," he stammered, "I hope you have not needed me. I did not think you would be back so soon."

"The Slave Coast?" echoed Harry inquiringly, "I thought " "Thought there wasn't no more slaves, eh?" inquired Mr. Barr amiably, swallowing his coffee with a noise like water running out of a bath tub, "wall, that's because yer young.

I could not believe that he had cast me off because of an unwillingness to offend his hostess, for he had appeared wholly absorbed in my presence until her impertinent speech in regard to my property had put an abrupt end to his complaisance. Meanwhile Mr. Barr had finished his pæan and seated himself near me.

"I'll hold Robert by one ear and Rebecca by another," Margaret promised; "and if she so much as dares to look at George or Ted or Jimmy Barr or Paul, I'll " "Oh, Jimmy belongs to Louise, now," said Rebecca, radiantly. There was a joyous shout of laughter from the light-hearted juniors, and Rebecca, seeing her artless admission too late, turned scarlet while she laughed.

In his captor, as he stepped forward, Billy had no difficulty in recognizing Sanborn, the treacherous mechanic, and while he gazed in astonishment at the man there appeared from an inner room Luther Barr and Malvoise, the French aviator. "You'd better let me go at once," cried Billy angrily. "What do you want with me?" "Nothing very much," piped old Barr, "nothing very much, my dear lad.

The hydrogen gas to inflate her with, we can carry down in tubes on your yacht and fill the bag when we get to the borders of the Sargasso, although Constantio, her inventor, who will go with us, has ideas of his own about hydrogen." "But how are you to float her while we are rifling the galleon of her treasure?" demanded old Barr.

The document that Frank dictated, Luther Barr signed and the others witnessed, read like this: I, Luther Barr, of New York, do here by deed, make over and assign to the Boy Aviators namely Frank and Harry Chester, William Barnes and Lathrop Beasley, all my share, claim or equity in the ivory which I wrongfully stole from them, which fact I with shame acknowledge.

"Closing the sea-cocks which were opened by Al Davis, the former bos'n, in revenge for a blow Luther Barr struck him when the ship went aground," was Frank's astonishing reply. "But how in thunder do you know about that?" "Davis told me while you were trying to get something out of those fellows who were all gabbling at once." "And when you have closed up the sea-cocks?"

Still, I could tell from Aunt Helen's superior and as it seemed to me disdainful tone that she by no means approved of my new acquaintances, though I detected her casting an occasional glance of puzzled curiosity at Mr. Barr, whose eccentricities were, I suppose, more amusing than the calm of her companion. "I don't suppose you find the differences very marked between this country and Europe, Mr.