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U Hormu Rai Diengdoh writes that, "the real religious demand" amongst the Khasis is the ai bam, or giving of food to the spirits of deceased ancestors, in order that the latter may aid the living members of the clan with their help; and bless them.

Te u la thaw kawei ka sharati ban put ka jingiam bríw bad jingriwai sngowisynei. Mynsngi mynsngi u jiw leit bylla pynlur masi haba la don ba wer, haba ym don u shong khop-khop ha la iing, u iam u ud, u sum dypei sum khyndew halor la ki jain syrdep jot. Mynmiet mynmiet u sum u sleh, u kup bha kup khuid; bad ynda u la lah bam lah dih u shim ka sharati u put hadúh ban da shai.

"Tarnashun!" shouted his brother "an' I hope he is still standin' on a burnin' deck in the other worl' don't mention that fool to me! to stay there an' git blowed up after the ship was afire an' his dad didn't sho' up." He spat on a mark: "Venture pee-wee under the bridge bam bam bam." "There was William Tell's son," ventured his brother again.

This is done as solemn, as if a feller's name was called out to take his place in a funeral; that and the mistakes is the fun of it. There is a sarvant at a house I visit at, that I suspicion is a bit of a bam, and the critter shows both his wit and sense.

"As soon as anything suspicious occurs I shall quicken my pace and you must follow. You three with the baggage camels keep in the rear." The robbers gaze in front like eagles on their prey, and the outlines of the hill gradually rise higher above the western horizon. Now only three miles remain, and their sight, sharpened by an outdoor life, distinguishes the gardens of Bam. They draw near.

With a swift motion of the head the man signalled him to follow, and turned abruptly into the deep shadow of an alley that led along the side of the livery bam. Something in the half-breed's manner caused Endicott to obey without hesitation and a moment later the man turned and faced him. "You hont you 'oman?" Endicott nodded impatiently and the half-breed continued: "She gon' ridin' wit Purdy."

Sixteen of the inhabitants of the town are missing. The whole thing has taken place in half an hour. Bam sleeps no more this night. Now the dromedaries are urged on to the uttermost; they have double loads to carry, but they travel as quickly as they came. The kidnapped children cease to cry, and fall asleep with weariness and the violent swaying motion.

He had been shaking the rattle gently for fear it might be heard outside the church; but now, anxious to bring this dreadful task to an end, he began to shake it with all his might in one last challenge to the strange spirit. Bim! Bam! Boum! BOUM! Bim! Catanaugh jumped like a deer that hears the crackle of a twig behind it.

"That's right, Mel I heard you to the mast-head," said Clancy. Clancy heard it about as much as old Mr. Duncan back in Gloucester did, but he was always ready to help a man out. "Did you? Well, I hove-to him. I hove the bailer at him, that's what I did, and he ducked. But he ducked too late, I callate, for 'Bam! it caught him or somebody in the seine-boat with him.

"And I was afraid when we came out here that I'd be dead of loneliness in a month with no near neighbors," admitted Mother Atterson. "But I've been so busy that I ain't never minded it "What's that light, Hiram?" Her cry was echoed by Sister. Behind the bam a sudden glow was spreading against the low-hung clouds.