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This is done as solemn, as if a feller's name was called out to take his place in a funeral; that and the mistakes is the fun of it. There is a sarvant at a house I visit at, that I suspicion is a bit of a bam, and the critter shows both his wit and sense.

"But this wouldn't last long, for the sick gall would be carried up on deck agin, woman like, though ill, very restless, and chock full of curiosity to see the Chinese Junk also; so you are caught by your own bam, and have to move again once more. The bell comes in aid, and summons you to dinner.

When the reflection of the evening sky lies in purple shades over the desert, they have only ten or twelve miles more to go. Shah Sevar pulls up his dromedary and orders a halt in muffled tones, as though he feared that his voice might be heard in Bam.

And as I realized that probably this was just a part of the regular day's work, a bit of ordinary strafing, and not a feature of a grand attack, I took note of the rhythm. It went something like this, as near as I can gie it to you in print: "Roamin' in the PUH LAH gloamin' BAM! "On the WHUFF! BOOM! bonny BR-R-R! banks o' BIFF Clyde ZOW!" And so it went all through the rest of the concert.

Now the white mist lifts like a curtain it rises and rises and rises. Bam! the sun is risen. I see the river, like a stretch of silver ribbon; it weaves in and out and stretches away, away, away. The masses of the trees, of the meads, the meadows the poplars, the leaning willows, are all revealed by the mist that is reeling and rolling up the hillside.

But you must not expect us to disbelieve it, nevertheless; for your travellers who come to America, pick up here and there, some absurd ontruth or another; or, if they are all picked up already, invent one; and although every man, woman, and child is ready to take their bible oaths it is a bam, yet the English believe this one false witness in preference to the whole nation.

He hooks onto a rope loop, the same hanging from a fore-and-aft taut steel line about seven feet above deck, and when her stern rises he lifts his feet and shoots and fetches up Bam! up against the fo'c's'le break. He is forward and wants to go aft he hooks onto the loop, waits for her bow to rise, lets himself go and there he is back to her skid deck. That sounds like rough work.

They don't bind him," sais I. "No," said the doctor, "but there is a higher law than the statutes of the States or of England either, and that is the moral law. In aiding you, he made the greatest sale of lead ever effected at once in England; the profit on that was his share of the smuggling. But you are only drawing me out to see what I am made of. You are an awful man for a bam.

One dark night she was struck amidships by a 2,000-ton British sloop-of-war. In crowded quarters and steaming without lights those little collisions are bound to occur. This one was hit amidships bam! and amidships is a bad place for a destroyer to be hit her big engine and boiler-room compartment lie amidships. This one of ours was hit so hard that nobody aboard ever thought she would stay up.

The sun sinks more and more behind the horizon. Bam! he throws his last ray, a streak of gold and purple which fringes the flying clouds. There, now it has entirely disappeared. Bien! bien! twilight commences. Heavens, how charming it is!