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As Ozzie B. dozed off he heard: "Venture pee-wee under the bridge bam bam bam. Oh, Lord, you who made the tar'nal fools of this world, have mussy on 'em!" Love is love and there is nothing in all the world like it. Its romance comes but once, and it is the perfume that precedes the ripened fruit of all after life.

He bowed his head in silence, acquiescing to what Bam Lai had said, and waited for him to proceed. "I have come," continued the Buddhist, "to give you some good advice the best I have for you. You will probably not take it, for you are the most self-reliant man I know, though you have changed a little since you have been in love, witness your sudden intimacy with Mr. Griggs."

"Have it out, man, at once." "Bam a red-hot skewer into it." "No, no; let it alone, and it'll go away." Such was the advice tendered, and much more of a similar nature, to the suffering man. "There's nothink like 'ot water an' cold," said Joe Dumsby in the tones of an oracle. "Just fill your mouth with bilin' 'ot water, an' dip your face in a basin o' cold, and it's sartain to cure."

When mustard has done its more painful work then the Bam comes in and duz its work of healin' and consolin'. 'Tennyrate anybody can see that they are both on 'em as earnest and sincere in wantin' to do right as any human creeters can be, and are dretful well thought on all over Jonesville and as fur out as Loontown and Zoar.

Shym and pat are neptive particles, and are used with negative verbs in the past tense, e.g. u'm shymla man, he did not come. The use of the word "jing." One of the most striking features of the language is the use of the word jing, which is employed to create a verbal noun out of a verb: for instance, take the verb bam, to eat; if we prefix jing we have jingbam, food.

And I spoze there hain't no tellin' what good Arvilly has done and mebby will do by her pungent and sharp tongue to draw attention to wrongs and inspire efforts to ameliorate 'em. And the same Lord made the Bam of Gilead and mustard, and they go well together.

Wait there a minute, please, sheepy-sheepy, and a great man will paint you. All right then, don't wait. I didn't want to paint you anyway Bam! All things break into glistening ten thousand diamonds strew the grasses, the lilies and the tall stalks of swaying poppies. Diamonds on the cobwebs diamonds everywhere.

His foot slips out of the stirrup, and the "Riding King" lies dead as a stone outside Bam. Another robber is severely wounded and is cut to pieces by the townsmen. Bam has waked up. The entangled dromedaries with their burdens of slaves and goods are captured, but the rest of the party, twelve riders with ten baggage camels, have vanished in the darkness, pursued by some infuriated dogs.

"Oh, don't let him kill the monkey oh, don't!" It was Ozzie B. Archie B. ran hastily around to him, made a cross mark in the road with his toe and spat in it. "You're a fool as usual, Ozzie B.," he said, shaking his brother. "Can't you see that Italian knows what he's about? If he'd risk that twenty, much as he loves money, he'd risk his soul. Venture pee-wee under the bridge bam bam bam!"

We clapped our loaf into an overcoat that was strapped to the back of his machine, and swinging it between us, soon joined the others. Our noonday repast was composed of cold bam and fried potatoes. I think I never ate better, though I must confess that the latter were stolen from a neighboring field.