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they will even thrust a quid into their cheek, merely to gain the credit, such as it is, of "chewing backy like a sailor." But there must be a limit to the indulgence of these fancies; and if even an elder midshipman or mate of the decks were permanently to distinguish himself after this masquerade fashion, he would speedily lose caste even with the crew.

Sorter soothin', an' keeps my jaws goin', and when I'm so full of vim, mad, you know, that I'm fit to bust, why, I spit and spit, backy juice in course, till I spit it all out," the Georgian said, taking an immense chew, and sitting down by the stranger, who gave no sign that he knew of his proximity, but still kept his eyes on the river as if absorbed in the scenery.

'Pah! how it smells, as she jumped back. 'Beautiful backy a perfect nosegay, said Gerard. 'Trust that fellow for having the best. 'His master's, no doubt, suggested Mr. Dutton. 'You'd better go in it, to enjoy his reversion, said Nuttie. 'And where's my escort, then? 'Oh, I'm sure we don't want you. 'Nuttie, my dear, expostulated Miss Nugent, dragging her into the next carriage.

Taking him one day for a drive around the country and through the village, he bought him some first-class cigars with the thought "Maybe they'll take that smell out of his clothes." "Thankee, Mas'r Peter, thankee," Jake said, smacking his lips with his enjoyment of the flavor of the Havanas. "Dis yer am mighty fine, but I s'pecks I or'to stick to my backy. I done brought a lot wid me."

All languages are familiar to me, all thoughts are known to me, all men understood by me. I have gathered wisdom from the honeyed lips of Plato, as we wandered in the gardens of Acadames wisdom, too, from the mouth of Job Johnson, as we smoked our 'backy in Seven Dials. Such must be the studies, and such is the mission, in this world, of the Poet-Philosopher.

'It baint in him, you can't get it out o' 'im, no more nor ye'll draw smoke out o' this, and he raised his pipe an inch or two, with his thumb on the bowl, 'without backy and fire. 'Tisn't in it. 'Maybe I can be of some use? I said, thinking. 'Maybe, he rejoined.

I laughed heartily at my mistake, as I paid her down the money for the bonny bird. This little matter settled, I thought she would take her departure; but that rooster proved the dearest fowl to me that ever was bought. "Do you keep backy and snuff here?" says she, sideling close up to me. "We make no use of those articles." "How! Not use backy and snuff? That's oncommon."

He smoked the Havanas as long as they lasted, with no special diminution of odor as Peter could discover, and then returned to his backy and his clay pipe. In the love and tender care with which she was surrounded, Amy's mind recovered its balance to a great extent, with an occasional lapse when anything reminded her of her life in California as a public singer, or when she was very tired.

Here, Corind, put the jack in thar, the fish-line thar, the backy thar, and heave that ar other thrash out o'door," pointing to some geological specimens which from time to time John Jr. had gathered, and which his mother had not thought proper to molest.

'Well, well, the Lord save good scholars and take just a bit o' care of them that bain't! As 'tis so dark in the hut, suppose we draw out the bench into the front here, souls? The bench was accordingly brought forth, and in order to have a back to lean against, they placed it exactly across the door into the spiral staircase. 'Now, have ye got any backy?