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I thank you, dear Sir, for your attention in ordering the medicines; your attention to me has never failed. If the virtue of medicines could be enforced by the benevolence of the prescriber, how soon should I be well. August 19. 'The relaxation of the asthma still continues, yet I do not trust it wholly to itself, but soothe it now and then with an opiate.

From one serious attack he recovered in the autumn; and his recovery was celebrated in Latin verses, worthy of his own pen, by Vincent Bourne, who was then at Trinity College, Cambridge. A relapse soon took place; and, in the following spring, Addison was prevented by a severe asthma from discharging the duties of his post.

It was with the purpose of resisting a Canadian fortification scheme that he made his last journey to London in March, 1865. On his arrival he was seized by a sharp attack of asthma; bronchitis supervened, and it became evident that he would not recover. On the morning of Sunday, April 2, Bright took his place by the side of the dying man.

But probably the bulk of it will arrive to-morrow afternoon." "Yes, sir," said Reuben, and departed respiring noisily. As he made his exit Flamby carefully closed the door, and "Oh," she cried, "what a funny old man! Whatever did he mean by hahsma?" "I have been struggling with the same problem," declared Don, "and I have come to the conclusion that he referred to asthma."

"Let us sit," said the old man; "the posture will better enable my failing ears to apprehend your meaning, and the asthma will deal with me more mercifully in permitting me to make you understand mine."

Kybird, who was troubled with asthma, was suffering untold agonies in a black satin dress which had been originally made for a much smaller woman, and had come into her husband's hands in the way of business. It got into hers in what the defrauded Mr.

Lichfield, Oct. 20, 1784. 'To Mr. George Nicol . 'Dear Sir, 'Since we parted, I have been much oppressed by my asthma, but it has lately been less laborious. When I sit I am almost at ease, and I can walk, though yet very little, with less difficulty for this week past, than before. I hope I shall again enjoy my friends, and that you and I shall have a little more literary conversation.

Poor Anne has suffered greatly from asthma, but is now, we are glad to say, rather better. She had two nights last week when her cough and difficulty of breathing were painful indeed to hear and witness, and must have been most distressing to suffer; she bore it, as she bears all affliction, without one complaint, only sighing now and then when nearly worn out.

When they reached the throat of the monster, they stopped for a while to wait for the right moment in which to make their escape. I want you to know that the Shark, being very old and suffering from asthma and heart trouble, was obliged to sleep with his mouth open.

Thus compelled, Malcolm had to explain that the motive lay in his anxiety lest his grandfather should over exert himself, seeing he was subject to severe attacks of asthma. "He could stop when he was tired," she objected. "Ay, gien his pride wad lat him," answered Malcolm, and turned away again, eager to draw his line. "Have you a boat of your own?" asked the lady.