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"There, Will'm!" interposed Ben. "Look out that way! there he be, right astarn, don't ye see?" "I see, I see!" cried William. "O, look, Lalee! What in odd fish it is! I never saw one like it before."

We hain't got a minit to spare; you must shell the corn and winner the grain at night, and clean all up slick, or I guess we'll fall astarn as sure as the Lord made Moses. If he didn't keep us all at it, a-drivin' away full chisel, the whole blessed time, it's a pity. There was no 'blowin' time' there, you may depend.

"She bes hard an' fast," he said. "Wid the weather liftin', she'll not fall abroad yet awhile, nor she don't be in any risk o' slidin' astarn an' founderin'. We has plenty o' time to break out the cargo, men, after the sea quiets a bit. Aye, plenty o' time to sculp her.

"Thinks I, 'I shall never be able to keep up to the cows if a bear comes arter 'em and chases 'em, and if I fall astarn, he'll just snap up a plump little corn fed feller like me in less than half no time. Cryin', says I, 'though, will do no good. You must be up and doin', Sam, or it's gone goose with you. "So a thought struck me.

Look'ee now, 'roomer' means 'large, and 'large' means 'free, and 'free' means wi' a quartering-wind, and that means going away from the wind or the wind astarn of us; whiles 'on a bowline' means close-hauled agin the wind, d'ye see?" "Godby, 'tis hard to believe you that same peddler I fell in with at the 'Hop-pole." "Why, Mart'n, I'm a cove as adapts himself according.

Old Clay pleased him, you may depend; he turned round and clapped his hands, and larfed, and waved his hat to his officers to come on; and they whipped, and spurred, and galloped, and raced for dear life; but we dropped 'em astarn like any thing, and he larfed again, heartier than ever There is no people a'most, like to ride so fast as sailors; they crack on, like a house a fire.

The mate, realising the situation, rushed to seize him, but the engineer, with a mad laugh, put his hands on the side and vaulted into the water. When he rose the steamer was twenty yards ahead. "Go astarn!" yelled the mate. "How can I go astarn when there's nobody at the engines?" shouted the skipper, as he hung on to the wheel and brought the boat's head sharply round. "Git a line ready."

With a will, my lads! Tip 'em a livelier one, fifer! Fifer tips 'em a livelier one, and excitement increases. Shake 'em out, my lads! Well done! There you have her! Pretty, pretty! Every rag upon her she can carry, wind right astarn, and ship cutting through the water fifteen knots an hour!

Well, he took the contract for beef with the troops; and he fell astarn, so I guess it's a gone goose with him. He's heavy mortgaged. 'Too many irons agin, said I. 'Who lives to the left there?

Ef we kin git past thet 'fore they close on us, we'll be safe." "But hadn't we better put about and put back? We can run clear of them that way." "Cl'ar o' the canoes ahead, yis! But not o' the others astarn. Look yonder! Thar's more o' 'em puttin' out ahint the things air everywhar!" "'Twill be safer to run on, then, you think?" "I do, sir. B'sides, thar's no help for 't now.