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Billing, briefly. "Did you wipe your boots?" Her husband turned without a word, and, retreating to the mat, executed a prolonged double-shuffle. "You needn't wear it out," said the surprised Mrs. Billing. "We've got to make people 'appier," said her husband, seriously; "be kinder to 'em, and brighten up their dull lives a bit. That's wot Mr. Purnip says."

My con-science told me I'd done right, and arter sending a little boy with a note to Ted Dennis to tell 'im not to come any more, I felt 'appier than I 'ad done for a long time. When I got to the wharf that evening it seemed like a diff'rent place, and I was whistling and smiling over my work quite in my old way, when the young policeman passed. "Hullo !" he ses. "'Ave you seen the ghost agin?"

"M'sieu' Brownee, you may call me de cursed patois. I not know anyt'ings. But when André La France take me away, oh, I t'ink I die! Let me honly be Françoise to do your mend'! I be 'appier to honly look at you dan some womans who 'ave 'usban'!" "Françoise, kiss me kiss me!" His voice broke with a sob. "If you loved me you would have me!" "M'sieu' Brownee, I ado' you!"

Billing, briefly. "Did you wipe your boots?" Her husband turned without a word, and, retreating to the mat, executed a prolonged double-shuffle. "You needn't wear it out," said the surprised Mrs. Billing. "We've got to make people 'appier," said her husband, seriously; "be kinder to 'em, and brighten up their dull lives a bit. That's wot Mr. Purnip says."

"Down'arted, like, an' 'opeless an' an' lonely " Downhearted, and hopeless, and lonely! The jaw of W. Keyse dropped, and his ugly eyes became circular with sheer astonishment. "Him! Keyse was playing a bit of gaff on hers truly "and him with a wife, too! Married an' 'appy, an' goin' to be 'appier yet!" He pointed to the little red snub nose peeping between the folds of the flannel.

You'll be bride and I'll be bridesmaid, though not a pretty one, and all will be 'oney and sunshine and gates of pearl, my beauty." "Debby I'm I'm so happy!" Deborah placed her young mistress in Paul's arms. "Then let 'im make you 'appier, pretty lily of the valley. Lor', as if anything bad 'ud ever come to you two while silly old Debby have a leg to stan' on an' arms to wash.

Lilly, 'eaven is quite different." Couldn't be much 'appier to my mind." John Seaward steps to the front, and says a few words says them so well, too, so simply, so kindly, yet so heartily, that the army is roused to a pitch of great enthusiasm; but we leave this speech to the reader's imagination: after which Exeunt Omnes.

In hands both huge and red he fondled tenderly a squat brandy flask whose contents had apparently been employed as a first aid to the drowning. As Kirkwood's gaze encountered his, the man smiled sourly, jerking his head to one side with a singularly derisive air. "Hi, matey!" he blustered. "'Ow goes it now? Feelin' 'appier, eigh?" "Some, thank you ... more like a drowned rat."

Chetwynd looked terribly annoyed; but there was no choice left for him but to extend his hand and mutter something to the effect that he had not had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of his wife's friends before. "Glad to know you, sir not one of us not in the profession, I think?" "No er no," responded Chetwynd feebly. "And the 'appier you, take my tip for it.

P'r'aps he was 'appier where he was than doing six months. "He was the sort o' chap that'll make himself 'appy anywhere," ses one of 'em, comforting-like. "Not without me," ses Mrs. Bullet, sobbing, and wiping her eyes on something she used for a pocket-hankercher. "He never could bear to be away from me. Was there no last words?" "On'y one," ses one o' the chaps, Joe Peel by name.