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Edward Taylor of whom I have just written was baptized by him. One day, being under examination as a witness in court, Alderson questioned him as to his age. ‘Why,’ said Taylor, a little nettled, ‘you ought to know, for you baptized me.’ ‘I baptized you!’ exclaimed Alderson. ‘What do you mean?’ The Recorder never liked to be reminded of his having been a preacher.

The case was tried before Baron Alderson, as shrewd a Judge, perhaps, as ever adorned the Bench. When I took my point, he at once saw the difficulty Napoleon was in a difficulty from which no Napoleon could escape even by a coup d'état. It was, in fact, this simple as A B C:

You'll find the code pasted up in the saloon. Say, what do you think? That girl slipped out with breakfast for Cap. Blythe and Alderson while I wasn't looking." "Crossed the deck with it?" "That's whatever, and sauntered back as cool as you please. Two or three of them were on the forecastle deck, but they didn't lift a hand to hurt her." I drew a long breath. "We mustn't let her do it again."

The latter Clayton insisted upon passing around. He then produced his business card and chatted for a moment with Alderson about conditions in the building trade in Pennsylvania, asking many questions about prospects in hardware lines in Ontario. So that when at last he took his departure, laughing away apologies, he left behind him a most favorable impression.

Yes, he's here now Sure, I'll hold him No, not back yet Sure. Sure I will Eh? Say, Mr. Nickleby, fer the love o' Mike, what's wrong? Alderson wildly jiggled the hook of the telephone instrument, but Nickleby had rung off. He stared across at the anxious representative of the Brady Detective Agency, his thick loose lower lip hanging in dismay. For the moment he was bereft of speech.

I don't know whether the student of law permits himself the refreshment of enthusiasm, or indulges in poetical reminiscences as he passes by historical chambers, and says, "Yonder Eldon lived upon this site Coke mused upon Littleton here Chitty toiled here Barnewall and Alderson joined in their famous labours here Byles composed his great work upon bills, and Smith compiled his immortal leading cases here Gustavus still toils, with Solomon to aid him:" but the man of letters can't but love the place which has been inhabited by so many of his brethren, or peopled by their creations as real to us at this day as the authors whose children they were and Sir Roger de Coverley walking in the Temple Garden, and discoursing with Mr.

They had much better have risked their lives in stealing the Hungarian Baron Alderson, whose full dress is incrusted with forty thousand pounds' worth of diamonds and emeralds. We have met with a greater loss than these robbers caused us. Mrs.

Colonel Alderson quoting from an old pamphlet on hunting which was reprinted in 1880 by Messrs. William Pollard and Co., Exeter, says: "Gentlemen, keep your mouths shut and your ears open. The fox has broken cover, you see him gentlemen, gentlemen, do not roar out 'Tally-ho'! do not screech horribly.

But being made to do what I can't do's worse.... I'm not likely to do it any better with that young beast Alderson looking at me all the time and thinking what a bloody fool I am.... They ought to have left it to me. It would have come a lot cheaper. I was going anyhow. I only stayed because of Papa. But I can't tell them that. After all, I was the only one who looked after him.

In working out his plan of action it was necessary for Butler to take Alderson into his confidence and the detective made plain his determination to safeguard Cowperwood's person. "We couldn't allow you to strike any blows or do any violence," Alderson told Butler, when they first talked about it. "It's against the rules. You can go in there on a search-warrant, if we have to have one.