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Behind the tables was a mantel; and on it stood two decanters partially filled with liquor, a plate of crackers and another of cheese. A Lieutenant was seated at the Adjutant's desk, engaged in filling up blank leaves-of-absence for each in turn, of a disorderly crowd of twenty or thirty soldiers who pressed forward from the door to receive them.

When we got down to Santiago he developed into the regimental clerk. I never suspected him of having a sense of humor until one day, at the end of our stay in Cuba, as he was sitting in the Adjutant's tent working over the returns, there turned up a trooper of the First who had been acting as barber. Eyeing him with immovable face Pollock asked, in a guttural voice: "Do you cut hair?"

But on the following morning the adjutant's black eyes glowed with even greater wrath and amaze. They had gone to the station, several of the officers, to meet the in-coming train on which certain of the witnesses were expected, and there another despatch was handed, this time to Leonard himself. He tore it open, read it, and then, handing it without a word to Truman, turned bitterly away.

It was with a light heart that Dave Darrin left the commandant's office, though the young man had been expecting that very decision. Yet, despite the fact that he knew it was coming, Dave's heart thrilled with exultation and gratitude as he heard the order read out in the brigade adjutant's quick, monotonous tones. Then, immediately following, came another order.

Stannard!" he said; and looking at her in half surprise, they saw her eyes were brimming with tears. Another moment and he had turned Dandy's head to the west, and was tripping up the road past the adjutant's office. They saw him raise his gauntleted hand in salute to the post commander, and heard his voice call out, ringingly, "Good-day, colonel." They saw that between him and Mr.

"Two glasses of light claret." "Then where did you go next?" "To the new music-hall." "And ordered drinks in the bar! Who suggested this?" "I can't remember," Dick replied with an angry flush. "Of course, I see where you're leading, but I was quite sober when I left the hall." The Adjutant's expression puzzled him. He had felt that the man was not unfriendly, and now he looked disappointed.

And it was after I was deeply submerged in dreams that I awoke with a start, for someone seemed to be telling me to get up and dress, as there was an alarm afloat. A voice was saying: "All the troops have been ordered to stand to, sir. There's an attack expected. The Adjutant sent me to call you." "Who are you?" "Adjutant's orderly, 10th East Cheshires, sir." "Thanks."

With the "Present" and "The King" at the end, every man present uncovered, and an old Russian lady knelt and kissed my adjutant's hand and blessed us as "saviours," while the commandant asked for cheers for "the only country which came to our help without conditions." I wonder how that will pan out? We were entertained at the British Consul's, followed by a concert at night.

"I won't stand in your way, sergeant," wrote his troop commander, "but you know that old Ryan is to be discharged at the end of his sixth enlistment the 10th of next month; there is no man I would sooner see in his place as first sergeant of my troop than yourself, and I hate to lose you; but, as it will be for the gain and the good of the whole regiment, you ought to accept the adjutant's offer.

"His mind must be disabused at once," he answered. "I must go to him." O'Moy had already vanished. There were one or two others would have checked the adjutant's departure, but he had heeded none. In the quadrangle he nodded curtly to Colonel Grant, who would have detained him.