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Updated: August 10, 2024

But I bes here now to ax yer opinion concernin' them same fools, Pat. Yesterday they raised a mutiny agin me, all along o' a poor girl as I saved from the wrack, an' last night an' this mornin' I larned 'em the error o' their ways. Now ye was once a deep-sea sailorman, Pat, a-sailin' foreign v'yages, an' so I wants ye to tell me what I'd better be doin' wid some o' them squid?

For if Christopher discovered a new world, Senator Stanford wuz a-takin' the youth of this country into a new realm a-sailin' 'em out into a new world, and a grander one than they'd any idee on a-sailin' 'em out on the great ship of his magnificent Charity; and that Ship," sez I, in a kind of a tremblin' voice, "wuz wafted out at first on the sombre wings of a heart-breakin' sorrow; but they grew white," sez I "they grew silver white as that great Ship sailed on and on.

He gave the low laugh that always seemed to suggest a private source of amusement of his own. "I suspicioned that might be your name when I say y'u come a-sailin' down from heaven to gather me up like Enoch." "Why?" "Well, ma'am, I happened to drift in to Gimlet Butte two or three days ago, and while I was up at the depot looking for some freight a train sashaid in and side tracked a flat car.

"’Tain’t in natur," said she, "that she should stay long. Allus was peart like and forrud, and now has been ridin’ in the railroad all over the airth, and hain’t got lost nuther, besides a-sailin’ along in the steam engine over the salt water."

I went up in the sky, my coat ripped off, and I went a-sailin' end-over-end." "Yes?" "Yes. About half an hour later, I lit spang in the mud, way down yander in Tuckaleechee Cove yes, sir: ten mile as the crow flies, and a mile deeper 'n trout-fish swim." There was silence for a moment.

To the speaker's apparent disappointment, the citizen from Indiana did not accept the challenge for argument but instead observed pleasantly: "I'll wager you will outlive all us city people, Mr. Eldridge." "Course I will," was the old man's confident retort. "I'll be a-sailin' in my dory when the whole lot of you motor-boat folks are under the sod. You see if I ain't!

I have been a-sailin' on that sea she depictured for over twenty years, and have never wanted to leave it for any other waters. But, as I told her, and tell you now, it hain't always a smooth sea, it has its ups and downs, jest like any other human states."

But I'll trus' yer; yer ain' de one ter bite yer own nose off. Does yer see dat ar ring, Suky? Law! how pretty dat look on yer degaged finger!" "'Tain' dar yet." "Lemme put it dar. Ki! wouldn't dey look an' gape an' pint in dar yonder w'en yer come a-sailin' in wid dat ring on?" "Yes; dey tink me a big fool ter be captivated by a ring brass, too, like anuff."

Y' see, I figgers as the only reason why they wants to bust us up at all in this yer crick is to stop up a-sailin' out an' ketchin' that schooner as she passes. Ain' that it, cap'n?" "No doubt of it, Blunt." "Well, then, if so be as it's inland savages as is to do it, they ain't werry fond o' water fightin', they ain't. Don't I know 'em?

I can till you, though, where I belaives him to be this blissid minnit; an' that is, by the `Crab an' Lobster' at Gravesend, lookin' out for to say if he can say the Silver Quane a-sailin' down the sthrame." "And will he come on board there?" I asked. "Arrah, will a dook swim?" replied the boatswain in Irish fashion. "Av coorse he will, in a brace av shakes.

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