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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Now didn't Emma Satterwhite find a good chanct when Todd Crabtree married her and took her away after all that young Tucker Alloway doings? It were a kind of premium for flightiness, but I for one was glad to get her gone off'en Rose Mary's hands. I couldn't a-bear to see her tending hand and foot a woman she were jilted for."

Miss Sellars, buttoning a burst glove, rejoined me. "I suppose you've never had a sweetheart before?" asked Miss Sellars, as we turned into the Blackfriars Road. I admitted that this was my first experience. "I can't a-bear a flirty man," explained Miss Sellars. "That's why I took to you from the beginning. You was so quiet." I began to wish that nature had bestowed upon me a noisier temperament.

I couldn't a-bear to see her siffer in that 'ere manner I did feel for her almost as much as if she'd been an 'oss." The landlord gave the two charioteers force de complimens for the tenderness of their feelings, the intensity of which he fully comprehended, as he changed for each his guinea, the bounty of the lady.

"I must say I can't a-bear to hear anything about ghosts after sundown," observed Mrs. Jake, who was at times somewhat troubled by what she and her friends designated as "narves." "Day-times I don't believe in 'em 'less it's something creepy more'n common, but after dark it scares me to pieces. I do' know but I shall be afeared to go home," and she laughed uneasily.

Do she look as if she liked it?" "Perhaps I do, perhaps I don't," said Glory. "Tell that to the marines, my dear. I use ter be in a shop myself, but I couldn't a-bear it. Give me my liberty, I say; and if a girl's got any sort o' figure Unnerstand, my dear?" Late that night one of the girls came in breathless and cried: "Hooraa! What d'ye think?

"Oh, did I go to sleep?" she asked, sitting up straight and blinking wide-open eyes. "There! I knew it would wake you, and I couldn't a-bear to do it, my dear, but it would never do for you to sleep like that in your clothes, and I drew your bath warm, thinking it would rest you better, but I can just change it hot or cold as it suits you.

In the front one-pair, there’s another man with another wife and family, and in the back one-pair, there’s ‘a young ’oman as takes in tambour-work, and dresses quite genteel,’ who talks a good deal about ‘my friend,’ and can’t ‘a-bear anything low.’ The second floor front, and the rest of the lodgers, are just a second edition of the people below, except a shabby-genteel man in the back attic, who has his half-pint of coffee every morning from the coffee-shop next door but one, which boasts a little front den called a coffee-room, with a fireplace, over which is an inscription, politely requesting that, ‘to prevent mistakes,’ customers will ‘please to pay on delivery.’ The shabby-genteel man is an object of some mystery, but as he leads a life of seclusion, and never was known to buy anything beyond an occasional pen, except half-pints of coffee, penny loaves, and ha’porths of ink, his fellow-lodgers very naturally suppose him to be an author; and rumours are current in the Dials, that he writes poems for Mr.

"I puts my hands to my mouth, and I yells out as loud as I could: `I've got 'em! and there came back a `Hooray! sounding hollow and strange like, and then I s'pose it was the sand had got in my eyes so as they began to water like anything. "But I knelt down trembling all over, for I was afraid you was both dead, and I can't a-bear touching dead boys.

"Not in neither place," she proceeded, "for I couldn't a-bear it any longer, and you ain't going to stay in this room no longer, Miss Polly; I nearly brained myself a-clinging on to the honeysuckle, and the ivy-roots, but here I be, and now we'll both go down the ladder and run away." "Run away oh!" said Polly, clasping her hands, and a great flood of rose-color lighting up her face.

His mother, Sir Thurstan's sister, had married Devereux Stapleton, an officer in the Queen's household, and when she was left a widow she returned to Beechcot and quartered herself and her boy on her brother. Thereafter we had trouble one way or another, for Dame Barbara could not a-bear to think that I was preferred before her own boy as Sir Thurstan's heir.

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