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Didn't we see the chafe go right straight to the rogue's gallery and get his picture; and didn't he tell Pat and meself to come out here and arrest yez, and didn't we's ride on a freight train?" Mose saw it was no use trying to make the officers or passengers understand that it was a joke, so he said: "All right, I will go with you." "Of course yez will. Won't he, Pat?"

He saw only the mother and the baby in its crib. "Hang the woman!" he growled. "Did yez " A voice called from the lower hall: "Hey, Billy! she ain't in there. She give us the slip, sure." The keeper withdrew his head, growling. In the street the hue and cry was raised; a prisoner had escaped. When all was quiet, Mrs. Kane opened the bedroom door.

"Yez are a bright child, as me mother used to obsarve whin I'd wash me face in her buttermilk and smiled through the windy at her. If ye continues to grow in your intellect yez may come to be a man that I won't be ashamed to addriss and take by the hand when I maats yez in the straats."

"Ed," interposed the man from Weston, "if you could only get the place ready, what a Jim Dandy house-warming we'd have, in addition to the celebration commemorating the birthday of the town! Do you think the job can be put through on schedule time?" This made Myles a trifle irritated. "Arrah, what are yez spakin' about? Look-a here, me frind, I'm givin' ye no ghost story.

"Ladies! jools!" said he, "don't, don't give way. Shure it's all over now, so it is, an' yez needn't be a bit afraid any more." "What's all over?" asked Katie, in a tone of alarm. "What? Why shure nothin'." "There was some one in the room," said Mrs. Russell, in frightened tones. "Some one in the room!" cried Katie, in a voice so full of terror that it became a positive shriek. "Oh! oh! oh!

Don't kill me, boys; don't kill me; I'll go wid yez quietly only, if I am to die, let me die by the laws of the land." "The laws of the land?" said John O'Brien; "oh, little, Bartle Flanagan, you respected them. You needn' be alarmed now you are safe here to the laws of the land we will leave you; and by them you must stand or fall."

"Long life to your honor and Master Charles there, too, and them that belongs to both of yez. May a gooseberry skin make a nightcap for the man would harm either of ye." "Thank you, Mike. And now about that song." "It's the ouldest tune ever was sung," said Mike, with a hiccough, "barring Adam had a taste for music; but the words the poethry is not so ould." "And how comes that?"

You must bring plinty of bacon, hung beef, and fowls, bread and cabbage not forgetting the phaties, and sixpence a-head for the crathur, boys, won't yez?" The next day, of course, was one of festivity; every boy brought, in fact, as much provender as would serve six; but the surplus gave Mat some good dinners for three months to come. This feast was always held upon St.

An Irishman in my car yelled out: "Och, ye dirty spalpeens; it's not shootin' prisoners ye are now; it's cumin' where the Yankee b'ys hev the gun; and the minnit ye say thim yer white livers show themselves in yer pale faces. Bad luck to the blatherin' bastards that yez are, and to the mothers that bore ye."

If so be that you want to be scattered about, an arm here and a leg there, as soon as you set foot on the shore you can go to Inish-bawn, you and the young gentleman along with you. But if it's pleasure you're looking for it would be better for you to go somewhere else for it, the two of yez." He spoke truculently. It was evident that Priscilla's questioning had seriously annoyed him.