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"Mine gracious!" whispered the disturbed German lad: "I dinks dot if they don't got de golt then the golt don't got dem, and fader he won't be as bleased as nefer vos." "There isn't any hurry, Otto, in putting your words together, and it is a good time for you to try to string them so they will make a little sense." "Yaw; I vill tries." "Sh! There comes some one!"

Shorten sail." As the Orion lost way by shortening sail, the frigate came up; and, when judged to be sufficiently advanced, orders were given to yaw the Orion, and stand by the starboard guns, which were double-shotted.

A human voice or presence, like a spring in the desert, was now welcome in itself, and Otto drew bridle to await the coming of this stranger. He proved to be a very red-faced, thick-lipped countryman, with a pair of fat saddle-bags and a stone bottle at his waist; who, as soon as the Prince hailed him, jovially, if somewhat thickly, answered. At the same time he gave a beery yaw in the saddle.

"Aw yaw aw aw aw aw," said Harry, gaping fearfully. "Get up-p-p-p-p-p," shouted Philip again, giving him another shake. "Oh, don't, Philip," said Harry, "I'm so slee-aw-aw-aw-ah-aw-aw-py." "What an old stupid!" said Philip again. "If you don't get up, I'll cold sponge you."

Raise a few feet of that all but invisible plate three-eighths of an inch and she will yaw five miles to port or starboard ere she is under control again. Give her full helm and she returns on her track like a whip-lash. Cant the whole forward a touch on the wheel will suffice and she sweeps at your good direction up or down.

The snapper-boat changed direction, and for a fraction of a second stern and side tubes "fought" each other, making the boat yaw wildly. Then it straightened out on a new course. Koa exclaimed, "That's a drone!" Rip got it then. A pilotless snapper-boat! That's why its actions were a little uneven. Only one thing could explain its deliberate slowness. It was bait.

Followed the woolly sound of the cable in the hawse-hole; and a grunt and squeal of the windlass; a yaw, a punt, and a kick, and the We're Here gathered herself together to repeat the motions. "Now, ashore," he heard Long Jack saying, "ye've chores, an' ye must do thim in any weather. Here we're well clear of the fleet, an' we've no chores an' that's a blessin'. Good night, all."

Here am I bolt upright, and ready to fight, if this yawning fit will give me leave Mother Redcap's mightiest is weaker than I drank last night, by a bushel to a barleycorn I have quaffed the very elixir of malt Ha yaw." "And some opiate besides, I should think," said Everard.

A moment later, his face beamed with one of his most expansive smiles, and he showed two more rifle-bullets that had been fished from the capillary depths. "Yaw, I forgots him; I puts dem pullets in mine hat yesterday and I dinks dey was lost; dat is looky, ain't it?" "I don't see anything particularly lucky about it," said Jack, who suspected that much of the lad's stupidity was assumed.

They went at it again, inch by inch through the incredible maze of wiring in the rocket's innards. By very accurate analogy, they were probing the rocket's brains. The circuits, like nerves, carried messages to and from the central rocket control. One would signal "Rocket starting to yaw," and another would reply to the servomotors that activated the gimbal-mounted motor, "Compensate!