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The owner of the ranch saw them coming, and from their appearance surmised that something was wrong. "What is it?" He shouted. "Rustlers?" "Nope. Murderers. I wants to swap cayuses quick," answered Buck. "There they are. Th' boys just brought 'em in. Anything else I can let yu have?" "Nope," shouted Buck as they galloped off.

However, she explained to me that this man had caused all kinds of trouble in China, that before meeting Kang Yu Wei the Emperor had been a zealous adherent to the traditions of his ancestors but since then had plainly shown his desire to introduce reforms and even Christianity into the country.

After months of labour the mould was again prepared, and the metal poured into it, but again with the same result. Kuan Yu was distracted, not only at the loss of his reputation, but at the certain loss of the Emperor's favour.

Ever hear of Dutch Shannon or Blinky Neary? They's with him." "Dutch Shannon? Nope," he replied. "Bad eggs, an' not a-carin' how they gits square. Th' feller yu' salted yesterday was a bosom friend of th' marshal's, an' he passed in his chips last night." "So?" "Yep. Bought a bottle of ready-made nerve an' went to his own funeral. Aristotle Smith was lookin' fer him up in Cheyenne last year.

"My lady," she answered, with a cheerful countenance, "it would come to the same thing if you were to first spend what you want and to give me afterwards any balance that may remain of it." "Is your mistress alone to be allowed to do dishonest acts," Mrs. Yu laughed, "and am I not to be free to bestow a favour?" P'ing Erh had no option, but to retain her portion. "I want to see," Mrs.

"Cr'r !" ejaculated W. Keyse, below his breath. His face was radiant as he read. Her spelling was a bit off, it was impossible to deny. But Cripps! to be called a brave man by the owner of the maddening blue eyes, and that great thick golden pigtail. The letter went on: "Dear mr. Keyse yu will be Plese to Kno Jane is Sutch a Cumfut to me in Trubel.

"Can yu' do astronomy and Spanish too?" inquired the proud and smiling McLean. "Why, it's nothing! I've been day operator back home. Why is a deputy coming through on a special engine?" "Please don't say it out loud!" quavered the agent, as the machine clicked its news. "Yu' needn't be scared of a girl," said Lin. "Another sheriff! So they're not quit bothering us yet."

"The maiden stepped from the boat, and, with a glad cry, flung her arms about Yu Chan, who had passed down the narrow path to meet her. Together they climbed up the steep way that led to the plain above the high bank, followed by the muffled soldiers, who lurked cautiously in the shadows of the limestone, through which wound the toilsome path.

My friend Slim an' I are shore going to have a devil of a time if we can t find them cussed bronchs. Whew, them flapjacks smell like a plain trail to payday. Just think of th' nice maple juice we used to get up to Cheyenne on them frosty mornings." "Get out of here an' lemme alone! 'What do yu allus want to go an' make a feller unhappy for?

"We are kind o' starved that way I'll admit. More dollars than girls to the square mile. And to think of all of us nice, healthy, young bet yu' I know who she is!" he triumphantly cried. He had sat up and levelled a finger at me with the throw-down jerk of a marksman. "Sidney, Nebraska." I nodded. This was not the lady's name he could not recall her name but his geography of her was accurate.