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After they had eaten, Curly strolled off by himself to the depot. "Gimme a ticket to Tin Cup for this evening. I want to go by the express," he told the agent. The man looked at him and grinned. "I saw you at Mesa in the bucking broncho doings last year, didn't I?" "Maybe you did and maybe you didn't. Why?" "You certainly stay with the bad bronchs to a fare-you-well.

"They'll camp in the timber over there for the night and wait. All right, my friends! You'll not have to wait long; no longer than it takes you, sir, to find our pack mule and the stray bronchs, while I build a raft. We can't cross the lower end for the moraine; and we can't cross the upper end for the ice; and it's too cold to risk swimming."

He's in a trance," wailed Stacy, considerably startled. That expression came nearer to describing the condition of the stock than any other words could have done. "Guide, what do you know about this?" questioned the Professor. "Has some one been tampering with our animals?" Juan shrugged his shoulders with an air of indifference. "No bother bronchs."

"Slim says he can swear to his hawss, and he's plumb sure about the man, too. He wants we should organize a posse and nail them as they go into the Pass for Bear Creek. He figures we'll have time to do it if we jump. Noches is fifty-five miles from here, and about forty from the Pass. "With their bronchs loaded they can't make it in much less than five hours.

Cassidy. "Just business. Yore cayuse an' another shore climbed this corral fence last night an' ate up our bronchs, an' I just nachurly want to know about it." Mr. Travennes looked his surprise and incredulity and craned his neck to see for himself. When he saw his horse peacefully scratching itself he swore and looked angrily up the street. Mr.

My friend Slim an' I are shore going to have a devil of a time if we can t find them cussed bronchs. Whew, them flapjacks smell like a plain trail to payday. Just think of th' nice maple juice we used to get up to Cheyenne on them frosty mornings." "Get out of here an' lemme alone! 'What do yu allus want to go an' make a feller unhappy for?

When he happened to meet you on the way, he would be plumb tickled, for that cinched things proper for him. You would be a witness nobody could get away from." "And what about their hawsses? Did they bring the bronchs in the car, too?" drawled Keller, an amused flicker in his eyes. The others, who had been swimming into their deductions so confidently, were brought up abruptly.

They gave the bronchs a good scare, and started them into the hills, knowing they would find their way back home all right in a couple of days. At Willow Creek they found hawsses waiting for them, and Mr. Spiker hit the back trail for Noches, with his car, and slid into town while everybody was busy about the robbery." "Sure. That would be the way of it," his friend nodded.

If Rojas should follow on my horses he'd be likely to catch you. Also, you can pack a great deal more than on the bronchs. Also, the big horses can travel faster and farther on little grass and water. I want you to take the Indian, because in a case of this kind he'll be a godsend. If you get headed or lost or have to circle off the trail, think what it 'd mean to have Yaqui with you.

As soon as the storm had moderated enough to let him go out with safety, Swiftwater Pete had taken one of the horses for an attempt at trail-breaking. "Me, I'm after that plum pudding. I gotta get a feed of oats from the stage for my bronchs too. The scenery here is sure fine, but it ain't what you would call nourishing. Huh! Watch our smoke when me and old Baldface git to bucking them drifts."