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No very abstruse argumentation is needed, in the first place, to prove that the powers, or faculties, of all kinds of living matter, diverse as they may be in degree, are substantially similar in kind. Goethe has condensed a survey of all powers of mankind into the well-known epigram: "Warum treibt sich das Volk so und schreit? Es will sich ernähren, Kinder zeugen, und die nähren so gut es vermag.

It was a tall Collard, shaped, above the key-board, like a cupboard. After touching the notes softly, to be sure they were in tune, she drew over a chair, and fell to playing Schumann's "Warum?" very tenderly. It was a tinkling instrument, but perhaps her playing gained pathos thereby, before such an audience. At the end she turned round: there were tears in her eyes.

Florestan ceased, and there was a long silence; and then he told the unspeakable portion of his story by performing these two: "Sternenkranz," "Warum." Who has ever scaled the rapture of the former, or fathomed the pathos of the latter?

Then gentlemen, if you still persist in your innocence, it is but of the simplest thing for you to prove it. The Herr wachtmeister will take us all back to Luderitzbucht, and on the way, what is simpler than to again test the rich spots from which you obtained so easily these thousand carats, hein? If you found these there there will be others, nicht warum? And then I will say that I am sorry!

No one could get me to touch another share of stock so long as I live." With this solemn declaration he passed out of Klinkberg & Company's office just as a short stout man burst into the hall from a door marked "Customers." "Wow!" the short stout man exclaimed. "Warum wow?" Uncle Mosha asked.

Jedem Menschem, says Riehl, ist sein Zopf angeboren, warum soll denn der sociale Sprachgebrauch nicht auch sein Zopf haben?—which we may render—“As long as snobism runs in the blood, why should it not run in our speech?” As a necessary preliminary to a purely rational society, you must obtain purely rational men, free from the sweet and bitter prejudices of hereditary affection and antipathy; which is as easy as to get running streams without springs, or the leafy shade of the forest without the secular growth of trunk and branch.

At length, in a dark corner of the tent, Brietmann came to a black box secured with a big padlock. "Herr Professor," he called; "this box. It is locked." The professor simply grunted. "The key, Herr Professor," he persisted. "I advise you to leave that box alone," growled the owner. "It must be opened, nicht warum, wachtmeister?" asked Brietmann of the sergeant. "Ja wohl," said the wachtmeister.

"Warum denn?" said I, quite astonished at her R -l H -ss's question. The P -cess then spoke of some trifle from my pen, which was simply signed Goliah Gahagan. There was, unluckily, a dead silence as H. R. H. put this question. "Comment donc?" said H. M. Lo-is Ph-l-ppe, looking gravely at Count Mole; "le cher Major a quitte l'armee! Nicolas donc sera maitre de l'Inde!" H. M and the Pr.

He was playing Schumann's Fantasiestücke, but through the stormy passion of In der Nacht he saw the red hair of the heroic Jewess, and into the wistful, questioning Warum insinuated itself not the world-question, but the Jewish question the sad, unending Jewish question surging up again and again in every part of the globe, as Schumann's theme in every part of the piano the same haunting musical figure, never the same notes exactly, yet essentially always the same, the wistful, questioning Warum.

Then by all means let him change his paymaster. Warum nicht? 'True, friend, true! replied Saxon. 'These beggarly Italians and Swiss have made such a trade of the matter, and sold themselves so freely, body and soul, to the longest purse, that it is well that we should be nice upon points of honour. But you remember the old hand-grip which no man in the Palatinate could exchange with you?

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