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He was a very handsome man, but with a look sharp and domineering, the look of a man who did not care a straw for president or monarch, and who enjoyed the liberty to speak his mind and "wallop his own nigger!" His fellow-burghers evidently regarded him with great respect; and Mr. Egerton had penetration enough to perceive that Mr.

"I'm going to put something over with a wallop but I guess business will have to wait until Barney, Jimmie, and I have a talk. Can you spare me a little more of that stew?" His manner of speaking was a quiet announcement to Hunt that his plans were for the present a closed subject.

Torture was applied, but the most awful sufferings could not wring from him the acknowledgment of having taken part in the conspiracy. Yet Loftus and Wallop were of opinion that he was a "rebel" and ought to be put to death.

"Wonder if they practise picking one another's pockets to keep their hands in, of an evening." "I'm told that jailbird has got an album full of tickets-of-leave." "Ah! His father must have travelled a good bit in his time." It was pitiful, paltry jesting, but it was more than I could stand. "Will you stop?" I shouted. "Nobody was speaking to you," said Wallop. "You were speaking of my friend!"

"I can readily see," he said, "why you'll always be as poor as a church mouse." "What?" said the doctor, whose thoughts were in something of a turmoil. "What's that?" "The old human cry of something for nothing; but with you it is in reverse. You are always doing something for nothing, and that is why I love you. If I offered you half of my possessions, you'd doubtless wallop me on the jaw.

By the glare Allan noticed that the man's jaw hung oddly awry, even as the obeah's had hung, in Madison Forest. "Jove, what a wallop that must have been!" thought he, now perceiving for the first time that his knuckles were cut and bleeding. "Old Monahan himself taught me that in the Harvard gym a thousand odd years ago and it still works.

"I say, Wallop," said Doubleday, when he had disappeared, "I hope they're not going to take on a couple of them." My heart bounded as I listened. The bare suggestion was delightful. "I hope not," said Wallop. "I don't see what they want one for." "All I can say is, unless he does it better than you, he'll be very little use." "There you go," said Crow, in a sulk.

Merrett, Barnacle, and Company's were not on absolutely brotherly terms. Anyhow I had to stick in the nibs unassisted. Presently the other clerks began to drop in, among them Mr Doubleday, who was very witty on the subject of my appointment, and told Wallop he understood I was to be admitted into partnership next week, and would then sign all the cheques.

But Cousin Grace only laughed till it seemed probable that she would burst her bodice; and Laura blushed, aware that she had compromised herself anew. There followed a long and nervous pause. "I bet Godmother's asking her not to wallop you too often," the tease had just begun afresh, when the opening of the door forced her to swallow her sentence in the middle.

Henry nudged me as our Kansas eyes bugged out at the Byzantine splendeur and whispered: "Bill, what this place needs is a boss buster movement. How the Kansas legislature would wallop this splendeur in the appropriation bill! How the Sixth District outfit would strip the blue plush off our upholstered friend by the elevator and send him shinning home in a barrel.