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Your one chance is being offered to you here to-night. The men will follow you if you give the word, and Wallenloup, well, Wallenloup must upon that occasion absent himself. Use your influence with the other officers. They are not to be bribed, of course, but in the cause of the country each man would find his services well rewarded. Think before you answer me, man!

There was a stir amongst the people about them; many stopped and drew nearer to hear the end of this unprecedented conversation. 'Because I intend to resign my commission to-morrow, sir, replied Rallywood haughtily. 'On the part of the Guard, I beg of you to reconsider that decision, urged Wallenloup.

'He has done that also. Rallywood raised an expressive face. 'I am to reform the Guard! Counsellor burst into a great laugh, but as suddenly grew grave. 'They will take it kindly! Their welcome to you is likely to be ... interesting! 'So I expected. But I went down to the mess last week and was introduced by old Wallenloup. They were very civil.

Wallenloup heard of this and sent for the lieutenants, whom he considered too valuable to be thus easily lost. 'Gentlemen, he began, 'I am about to enforce an old order that expressly forbids quarrels amongst the members of our corps. If you want to fight, fight some one else. There are plenty of men who stand badly in need of being killed. Turn your attention to them.

Therefore the Guard must be with us. 'I am not the colonel of the Guard, said Colendorp quietly. Sagan took this in some form as an agreement with his views, some surrender on the part of the Guardsman, and he broke out into a flood of speech. 'No, but Wallenloup!

In his hand he held a crumpled sheet of parchment. The men rose as he took his place at the head of the table. 'Insermann's dead, and Selpdorf says The Colonel's choked ejaculations broke, his voice failed him, and he sent the paper fluttering from his hand across the silver and glass till little Adolf picked it up. In another moment Colonel Wallenloup was more coherent.

A pig-headed old fool, who would never be brought to see an inch either side of his oath of allegiance, but would rush blindly on before the Duke to his death, and to the destruction of Maäsau to anywhere! Colendorp, Ulm being away, you are the senior officer, failing Wallenloup.

The matter may safely be left in my hands. Once more the folding doors were thrown back, and between the crimson portieres appeared the face of Colonel Wallenloup, charged with a strange expression. He advanced a step or two into the room, then turned to introduce a man behind him. 'Captain Rallywood, gentlemen, he said.

To him she was a woman worth talking to first, and a pretty girl afterwards. Their dance having concluded, Wallenloup walked down the room with his partner, continuing his monologue. Valerie had been very silent, but the Colonel had more to say than usual, and his subject happened to be a very scathing condemnation of outside interference with the affairs of the Guard.

Anthony's Cloister, without the help of Colonel Wallenloup. Suddenly she leant a little more heavily on his arm. 'My dear Mademoiselle, what is the matter? exclaimed the Colonel. 'You are pale. What is it? 'I am tired, and the saloon has become so hot, but thanks, I see my next partner coming, she answered as Rallywood came towards them. Wallenloup looked down at her with some reproach.