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Colonel Wallenloup was at that moment engaged in promenading the ballroom with Valerie Selpdorf on his arm.

But I thought, and I am sorry for the mistake, that you looked like a man! There was a jingle of spurs behind her as she was about to turn away, and Colonel Wallenloup strode up hurriedly. 'Captain Rallywood, why are you not wearing the uniform of your regiment of the Guard? he asked in a loud tone.

There was old walrus-faced Wallenloup; thin, dark, reckless Colendorp; Adiron, whose great bulk behind a cavalry sword was a sight for the gods, and so on; the three lieutenants following closely in the footsteps of the three lieutenants who had been before them; men who went to the rendezvous of a duel in all comfort, affecting to be infinitely more afraid of catching cold than of being killed; men who kissed the wife and dispatched the husband with equal skill and as little noise as might be; men who were feared by a rough, swaggering, raucous soldiery, whom they only knew through the hard-faced sergeants; men, in fact, who lived out their debonair, picturesquely evil lives to the satisfaction of themselves and of few others.

Near the station they passed a squadron of the Guard sent by Wallenloup to escort the Duke back to the capital. The pair in the carriage talked little, but when the jingling of accoutrements had died away Blivinski said in an emotionless tone: 'You met with Count Sagan last night then in your dreams? 'Yes, or Duke Gustave would have been over the border by this morning. 'Ah!